Monday, June 28, 2021

Dentist, Face Painting and Card Games

Daniel had a dentist appointment this morning to take care of a cavity on one of his front teeth. 

Last year the dentist said he had a cavity on the back side of his front tooth, on the flat surface, but I don't know if that is just a weird place to try and repair or what but she didn't fix it. But now there was an obvious hole in his tooth which I figured was from that, compounded by the fact that Daniel grinds his teeth and has worn them both down a lot. 

Now it's all fixed, so that's good, and hopefully he won't grind it down much more before he loses his teeth. Daniel was wearing his Spiderman Pajamas from yesterday after church, and he also still had some marker on his face. Yesterday after church I spent some time with my little boys by doing a little bit of "face painting". It started with Daniel, who only changed into his Sunday clothes after I promised him that after we got home, he would be able to change back into his special Spiderman outfit AND I would also draw a Spider Man face on him and then he'd look so cool! So here are some pictures from yesterday - I did Daniel first, and then the other kids lined up. 

I did a puppy on Peter - 
I asked Sophi to document - she took these pictures of Peter and me.
It wasn't paint - it was Crayola washable marker. But "face markering" or "face drawing" doesn't sound the same. Maybe I could call it "Face Crayola-ing". I had the kid tell me what they wanted to be, then I looked through the images to a photo that looked doable, and then I did a quick sketch on their face. I did a fairy on Natalie which didn't work out well in my opinion, but she was happy with it. I needed a white marker to make it look right, which I didn't have. I did a wolf on Owen's face, and a cat face on Sophi. The kids liked it, so it was fun. 

Joseph and Emily and Emily's sister Abby came over for dinner yesterday. They played some games with the kids - an intense came of Othello between Joseph and Emily with three kids looking on and giving unsolicited advice. Emily won two games, then Joseph won the last round. 
Abby played Cover Your Assets with Natalie. I need to learn how to play that game. 
Emily knows a lot of card games and taught us how to play Lucky Unders last night. Today Joseph and Emily came back again and Wes, Joseph, Emily, and I were able to continue our game of hearts. I had kept our score from yesterday so we were able to keep score from where we had left off.
Emily kept picking on Joseph and slipping him the Queen of Spades, and he was losing big time with 99 points (after someone gets 100 the game is over), and then Emily felt bad and decided to change her strategy and started picking on Wes, who was at like 38, and before we knew it, Wes had caught up to us and was in 90s and we were all high enough that whoever got the Queen would be the loser, and soon it showed up in his pile and Wes withdrew from the game in outrage and we were dying laughing! Fun times. Wes has been eager to teach us the games that he played on high adventure, like Scum, BS, Hearts, and Royals, so this was good to get me sold on card games, it was fun. Here are a few pictures of Wes playing cards on his high adventure week at Lake Powell - It was from June 7-12. They have only just barely uploaded the photos and shared them with us.
Wes felt like he looked pretty awesome in his sunglasses. 
I was looking for pictures of him boat surfing, but I couldn't find one of him - partly cause the surfer was usually too far away to be able to tell who it was, and other pics were too dark. But lucky Wes that someone took these two profile pics of him.
He had a good time there, and good job me for finally blogging it three weeks later. We had violin today and Natalie used my phone to talk with them play with the filters. 
We're so excited for Ethan to be going to the Dominican Republic soon! He leaves for the DR on the 8th of July, it will be here before he knows it!

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