Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Sun Mon Tues

I'm catching up on the blog. On Sunday, I did like 7 entries, trying to get through May, which has gotten away from me. Corey took the kids downtown and they went by the Salt Lake Cemetery. Any other day of the week, they'd think that was a really lame outing, but on a Sunday, they are happy to take what they can get. Corey said they were all very interested in the cemetery and who was there and they were asking all sorts of cute questions. I stayed home and blogged away. After they got back, I went down to help and be a mom. Corey had put on The King's Speech, then he took Peter up to change his diaper, which must have been bad cause they took a bath, and then they went to bed. When I went in our room to check on them, Corey was asleep but Peter was still awake. It's all right, Corey had put in his time. So I took Peter away and the kids dilly-dallied and stayed awake too late for a school night. But it's the last week of school, so they'll catch up on sleep after it's over. I just kept blogging and one by one they fell asleep. I left the lights on so I could see the keyboard better. Peter gave up a little after midnight. 

On Monday we talked to our missionaries and Hyrum. We sure love these kids, out there getting life lessons.
Yesterday I was still in the blog zone so I finished up another 7 entries, yay. Abi apparently took this picture of me blogging while the kids took a bath...
Natalie was helping me supervise them. I have a lot of good helpers around here. 
Abi had a life lesson Monday night - she heard back that she did not win SBO. She took it very well.
They had the election assembly today. She texted the winner and was a very graceful second place winner. Sophi to a soccer tryout tonight. 
She really enjoyed soccer and she is pretty good, so when I saw that there were tryouts for her age group, so I figured we'd give it a go. I don't know what it entails, but I dropped her off and waited until Corey came to be there with her, and then I went back home so I could leave again and take Wes and his friends to the yearbook stomp.
 Wes took a break from his studies to attend, we carpooled out there - I took and his friends mom is bringing them back. He promised he'd be back in time to finish a 3D design sculpture that is due tomorrow morning. After I got back, I took the little kids to the school park. Natalie showed me a trick. 
Owen playing some tetherball, Daniel on the spider web course.
Peter was concerned for the ball. "Ball stuck!"
So here we are. It's past midnight and Wes is keeping his word... I just took some pictures of his head for a self portrait he needs to do out of clay. I'm about to head to bed but I guess he's staying up again. 
He promised he'll finish it in time. We're crossing our fingers for him and his grades. 

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