Saturday, July 31, 2021

A Great Week

Well we are home after a GREAT week at Park City. It really was probably the best week I've personally ever had up there, and that's saying something since we've gone up there every summer for two plus decades now. Corey asked me what made this year better, and I think for me it came down to three things that were different this year: 1) I was not pregnant nor did I have a nursing infant,  which led me to 2) having much more free time and not feeling exhausted from being on duty 24/7, and it was probably especially great because that freedom allowed me to 3) go biking every day! I really did go every day (even 3 times on Wednesday! and one time on Friday). I almost didn't make it our for my morning ride on Thursday because it was raining at 6am, so I didn't go out and I could kinda feel myself turning into my usual trapped and victim self, but when it was clear enough at 10, Nancy and I went. She actually couldn't go until 10:30, so I left at 10:00 and rode out to Quinn's Trailhead, then explored a little, then Nancy came out and we rode around. So yea - get outside and go biking and feel the wind and stop and admire the flowers! It is great therapy. 

That picture is from some flowers at Round Top near Matt's Flat, where Nancy and I went on Friday morning. 
We took Rambler down that day instead of Rusty Shovel. Biking make this week really fun for me. It was only Nancy and I in the mornings, but Corey, our kids, and a few cousins got out a few times too, so it was great. And sure, there was still a lot of mindless tv watching and the kids still trashed their bedrooms... 
And little Peter still needed a nap...
But it was ok, cause if Peter needed to nap, I read or blogged. Hyrum put Peter down for a nap twice which was really nice. 
And as to the mess, well I just avoided their messy rooms so that didn't bother me much either! The little girls way overpacked and brought so many toys, it was kinda funny. Although, on the plus side there, I didn't help any of them pack at all, so hey, atleast they did that on their own. I just packed for Peter. The girls even helped Owen and Daniel. 

I never mentioned a few things different this year. It seems like each year when we go up, there is something that the resort has added upon or improved. This year the kids all mostly noticed things that had been taken away - almost all the furniture in the 2nd floor lobby was gone. The pool tables were gone! There was no Blues Band Night (covid precaution) The Gym was newly remodeled this year (I think it was being renovated last year or 2019, not sure, I don't think I made it to the gym the past 3 years up there) I just went there on Monday this year for a good upper body workout. The kids were waaay disappointed in The Mine this year. The video games were gone, the lounge couch (pic 4) and movies were gone, the theater was closed, the big building blocks were gone, and I was sad about this one for Peter's sake.... the trail table was gone!! Owen didn't miss it though. His mind was focused on playing Minecraft with cousin Isaac in his room. We are glad that the train table was there for us when Owen really loved and needed it. Biking was new last year, but the exuberance I showed by going on a morning and evening bike ride everyday will make this year one to remember for me. I hope I can do all that again next year! I really did go every day twice, except for last night, when I wasn't able to escape because we were taking the group family photo. 
I am one that firmly believes that family documentation is a priority, so I was happy to stay back from my evening biking.
(Plus it meant I could save up my energy for a longer ride the next morning!) Corey got a fun video of the kids playing "keep the ball in the air" at the pool and it sounded like the kids were having a magical time. I'll try to get Corey to upload it to Youtube so I can share it.
Nancy and I did get up nice and early today for a ride. We went up Armstrong to HAM, I was glad to share it with someone. I sneaked out past the sleeping boys - so cute. 
Owen started on the left, looks like he and Peter switched during the night, and it also looks like Owen is able to sleep through having a two year old's feet kicking his head, which is a skill Corey and I do not have. It was a good workout and ride and smelled SO lovely. Thursday night the mountain aroma was a little better from the freshly fallen rain, but it was still wonderful.  
We had a brunch with the family and I had plans to try and be home between 2-3, but instead Corey wanted to take kids on the Mid Mountain trail, so we did that instead of go home. I was able to guilt trip Hyrum into going on the ride - shown in this text.
...and I loved Hyrum's reply, ha! It made me laugh.
Since Hyrum consented to come, there wasn't room for me, but then Wayne was nice enough to load my bike in his van so yay, I get to go too! We took those two cars and Wayne and Nancy dropped us off. 
And then we were off!
Wes took off and we didn't see him at all during the ride. Abi tried to keep up with him and we saw her once when she waited for us for 10 minutes, but after that we didn't see her. She also didn't have a phone, so I was nervous that she had gotten lost or something. I was glad when Nancy texted that she was at the hotel. Corey and I stayed with the little kids, and it took them 2.5 hours to make it down the trail. I knew we'd be slow with the little kids along for the ride, but they did great. There was a bit of uphill and the sun was out, so Natalie got a red face. Sophi kinda fell off the trail but luckily a big log caught her and held her. Rhyan got out her first aid kit and cleaned up her scratch.
Going through the pretty aspen trees - it was one of the favorite spots for the kids, mostly cause of the shade.
There was some lightening and thunder which made the kids nervous. I was nervous too but had to pretend I wasn't. 
Natalie looked so cute pedaling.
Riding in the sunshine again. 
We got off and walked a few times. 
Natalie's take away once we were done: "Skiing would have been so much better..."
After that we went to the room and packed up the car. I headed home with Lily, Sophi, Natalie, Daniel and Peter 4. Owen stayed to swim and uncle Mark wanted to talk with Corey and Wes about their upcoming trip to Guatemala, so they stayed up for a bit longer. Now it's good to be home and school will be starting before we know it. Wes is leaving for Guatemala tomorrow, and Corey just decided a day ago to go down with them, so he is going to leave on Friday, after our guests from Guatemala leave on Thursday. Joseph's MTC teacher Junior asked Corey a few weeks ago if he could come for a few days. We said sure. And a friend too, I don't know his name, but they are coming and will be here tomorrow I think. Should be fun.

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