Monday, August 2, 2021

Marching On

So we're back from a fun week and Park City and back to the normal chaos. Peter helping me tidy up the kitchen last night while I made dinner - 

Daniel running around being his cute and crazy self, with socks on his hands, scrunchies around his wrists, and a black headband as some sort of mask. Lost in his own little world.

Yesterday Wes and his cousin Seth left for an adventure in Guatemala. They are going down to do two weeks of childcare with International Volunteer HQ

And before they even arrived there, the adventure started happening, cause last night their flight from Dallas to Guatemala got cancelled and they were two lone teenagers stranded in Texas. Thankfully, my little brother Grant just happens to live in Dallas, so we sent an SOS out to him and he went and picked them up at the airport and they stayed with him last night. Today they played street hockey and Wes didn't finish his freaking fitness for life and I'm trying not to panic over this boy's grades but AHHHH! So they are at the airport now and looks like their flight is ok and they should be good now, fingers crossed. We had a good visit with our missionaries today - Mel's last call from the US. Next week she'll be in Brazil and have poor internet connection like Ethan, can you tell by the photo? haha

Here's a pic below of Peter trying to sing the chorus to Real Gone by Sheryl Crow. And here's a video of it. He was singing it really loud and cute, until I tried to video it of course. Then he had a big pause, but it's still cute. We love this little boy.
Peter, for my own reference so that I can sing this along with you next time you try, the lyrics go:
   Slow down, you're gonna crash
   Baby you were screamin'
   It's a blast, blast, blast
   Look out babe you got your blinders on
   Everybody's lookin' for a way
   To get real gone, real gone
   Real gone

Our friend Junior and his friend Mario arrived tonight, they are going to be with us this week. We hare hoping it sends good Karma down to Wes if we host some Guatemalans up here, ha. One other thing, I guess last year when I found out I was pregnant I put my induction due date on the calendar, and it would have been today, had I not miscarried. I guess that does seem like it happened 9 months ago, but time definitely goes by faster when you're not pregnant, maybe one reason why this past year seems to have slipped away. I'm registering kids for school, time keeps marching on. 

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