Saturday, July 24, 2021

Being Stretched

It was a full moon this morning. I love full moons. So pretty. I got a good view of it as I went to Corner Canyon for biking. 

Hyrum flew in tonight - he flew from Philly to Seattle then to SL. It was long flight with a long layover in Seattle. We're glad that he came out to go to Park City with us! Last year was special with all the kids together. We are missing that this year, and probably will be in one way or another from here on out... Next year Hyrum will be gone, and then Wes in 2023, and life is not the same, but it will still be great and might even keep getting better. Sometimes that's hard to see though. Today we got an update on Ethan today. Yesterday he texted me and asked me to pray for him. He was so excited to finally get to go to the Domincan Republic, and sounded great this past Monday, We were surprised when he called today today, but he told us that it was p-day because they are having transfers... and that he is going to train a new missionary... and that he is the District Leader too. So we got a real laugh out of that, because when he was in Missouri he was all questioning himself and if he was obedient enough because he hadn't been a trainer or a senior companion or in any kind of leadership position yet, and he thought maybe his mission president didn't trust him... So we thought that was very ironic and kinda funny. Also kinda true to form to how God seems to work sometimes, huh! It was obvious that Eth is getting very stretched, which is to be expected now that the excitement and fun of the newness of the experience has worn off. Now he's two weeks in and is now tasting the reality that this is his life for the next year. It's hard and exhausting and challenging. Poor kid, my heart was going out to him. 

Just look at that heartbroken face. Corey said "It seems like you're in the perfect spot with humility that God can probably actually really use you now!"

Corey gave great advice, as always. Missions are hard. Corey teased "We told you missions are hard! This is what we were talking about! You're in it! You're right on schedule for the difficulties that you should be facing right now, you're ok!" There's nothing wrong with him or something that he needs to fix, just keep pressing forward. Everyone hits lows, and he was in one today, so we're going to pray for him. He'll make it out of the trough and back up to a peak, and then he'll be back in a trough again... that's just how life is in the real world. Ethan you won't die. It's hard and it hurts, but hang in there. Peter, do you know what's coming up ahead of you??

Peter reading today, I love seeing his sweet fidgeting toes -
He is so sweet, reading a Cars seek and find book.
which he destroyed shortly after later today. That is too bad. I shall not be buying him any more books.
Also I took Abi with me for a Costco run, to get stuff so that we're all set for next week at Park City. Rice milk and cereal for breakfast, pb&j and ham sandwiches for lunch, pizza for our dinner night, and two desserts. While we were driving, I confessed to her how I didn't babysit her fish very well last week when she was gone at EFY. She was a bit shocked that I could be so negligent, and that I risked her beta fish's life and that after I did that, I didn't even tell her!?!? I'm sorry, I won't do it again! But maybe she won't trust me to babysit Fish again. My apologies Abi, I'm glad that your fish didn't die. He was just being stretched for fasting, we're glad he pulled through ok. I trust that Ethan will be ok and will survive too. And Corey and I are praying in our trials too. Have I mentioned that Corey's contract job is ending? The project he's been working on will end on July 31st, he found out when we were in Lake Tahoe on July 7th. We're praying for Corey to know what he should do and for the Lord to provide for Corey, for Ethan, and for all of us in our stretching experiences.

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