Sunday, July 25, 2021

Park City 2021

We are up at Park City this week. I think this is our 20th year up here, or 21st year. I can't remember if this started the year Joseph was born or the year after. I know I have a photo of him on a little merry go round that they used to have at the bottom of the Alpine Slide (just found the pic here!) so definitely 2001, but maybe 2000 was the first year. Corey's mom said it's 2000, cause she remembers that Joseph was just starting to be able to pull himself up to the window. I shall have to go look up photos, since those were way back in the scrapbooking days. The earliest I have here on the blog is 2010. It's always a good time. This year might be remembered for being the year we got to go on shuttle ride, which the kids thought was as fun as a roller coaster!

I was going to park the van in the overnight parking, and a guy, Brad, told me he's the shuttle driver and would give me a ride back. So he followed me down and gave me a ride back up. Then, when our room wasn't ready, and I was looking for a way to kill time with the kids, I saw Brad and asked him if I could bring my kids with me and practice what it is like when we need to go to the car. He was super nice and took the kids in the work room to get ottor pops too. So I bet that will be a fun memory for them.
We got up here this year the earliest we ever have. Usually the kids are packed and anxious and Corey and I are tired and not ready, but we got ready this year and we left before 4! Very impressive, good job us. We always have a potato bar on Sunday evening, and we always are in charge of bringing corn, salsa, and avocado. Friday night is always a family BBQ, Saturday is a morning brunch, and we're each assigned a day to make dinner for everyone, and a day to do a family activity and/or treat. We are doing dinner on Wednesday this year and are going to do pizza. Ans we've got two treat nights this year. We'll be doing cake and ice cream for Owen's birthday on Tuesday, and we're also doing ice cream cones with magic shell and sprinkles on Friday night. Should be fun. 

One cute picture from Church today. Sweet Peter is doing awesome in nursery. Corey still takes him in, but he hasn't been crying (unlike his first day of nursery! My poor baby) When I was going into class, I peeked in the window and saw this little picture of heaven and it made my heart swell. He is so precious.
I love my little Peter. 

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