Monday, July 12, 2021

Dance Party

Our niece Rhyan came over today and is sleeping over. I believe she was the person behind the dance party that we had tonight. Lily was her accomplice and DJ.
Complete with white mascara... I didn't know that was a thing, but I guess Lily thought it looked punk rocker -ish
They hung up Christmas lights in the front room and Lily made her DJ turntable out of a Coscto lettuce box. Very creative, she painted records on there and was working the scratching effect very convincingly.
I found it quite hilarious.
Everyone channeling their inner Hibbert by dancing to MJ
I tried to teach them the Bad dance, from what I could remember from 30+ years ago in my teenage years when my sisters and I tried to learn it from Jerusha's Michael Jackson Magazine. 

It was fun to watch everyone feel the groove and dance.
Last video - We like to Move it move it ~
Go Peter!
And then they made plans to end the evening with a romantic song for just Corey and I, so Rhyan cleared out all the kids and played "So This is Love" from Cinderella. We played along and tried to dance fancy.
So that was our fun tonight. Other than that it was a normal Monday: We talked to our missionaries - Ethan is doing good after his first few days in the Dominican Republic. It's good to see he has a smile on his face.
We went to violin - I let Natalie use my phone there and she always takes funny photos of herself. After violin we went to Sophi's soccer practice. They had a big scrimmage and she's going to join another team for a soccer tournament next weekend, cause they need a few more players. She drank a little too much water and made herself feel sick. Sitting in front of the wet fan. She wants us to get one of those for our family.
Life is good. 

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