Sunday, July 11, 2021

Peter Loves Spiderman

After a busy weekend and after a fun vacation and long drive home, it was nice to have a quiet Sunday. I was sitting with Peter today and he was being sweet and lovely. 

You're sweet, aren't you Peter?
We were looking at all the characters on the lego box - from a present that I got for him a few weeks ago for no reason other than that he likes Spiderman. 
I bought those on May 20th. As we sat on the couch, I recorded a few little voice clips of him talking and sent them to the Wride Nation on messenger for Mel and Ethan and Joseph and Hyrum to listen to. I loved hearing his little voice say "Ka-ka-Merica Motorcycle! Irn Man, Pi-man!"
He is just a beautiful little boy.
I've been collecting pictures of Peter for several weeks, that document his Spiderman obsession. Well, first he was a loyal Lightening McQueen fan, but then he got on a real Spiderman kick in May and June. One day he decided he loved this Spiderman shirt and that he did not want to wear anything else but this Spiderman shirt. Here's a picture from May 18th. 

That night, I forcibly took his precious shirt away and washed it, with the promise that it would be ready for him to wear by morning, but he didn't care. I got a different shirt that had Spiderman on it, but it wasn't good enough. He wanted his Spiderman shirt, and he wanted it now, and he went to bed very sad that night. 

He kinda cried himself to sleep over it.

Sometimes I'm able to let him wear it and I can keep it clean from food spills on the front by having him wear his jacket over it. That worked for a while. Here he is wearing the Spiderman shirt below his jacket in this picture from April 23rd. 

Peter's pronunciation of Spiderman is more like "Pieh Man". He can also sing the Spiderman theme song "Spins a web, any size! Catches thieves just like flies! Look out, here comes the Spiderman." But it sounds like this "Pin-weh! Any sigh, cat tee ju-lih flies, look out, heh com Pihman!"

On May 20th I went by Target at the thrift store to try and find more Spiderman apparel. At Target I overpaid for new stuff, then I went by Kid to Kid and got some good second hand clothes. 

Peter excited about his new Duplo Spiderman toys. 

We got out the Spiderman figure right away. 

Daniel and Peter wore their new clothes and pjs and played with their new toys that night. 

Hey Spider-boys! Say Cheese...

Then these are the last pictures in my collection - Peter with the Spiderman mask on - so cute! These are from May 26th. 

And he was trying to hold out his fingers to shoot the web - 

Almost got it! 

No, that's not right! Then he started getting frustrated. No one is going to take me seriously if I can't shoot a web!! 

It's tough being a toddler Spiderman 

Then we laughed at his cuteness as he sulked... which made his mask fall down his face.

So the Spiderman infatuation lasted for almost a good two months. Then when July came around, he decided he likes cars again. Cute little face - pics from July 2nd - 
Now he's ok with any superhero shirt. Sometimes it's Batman...

Other times it's Incredibles or Superman. Those are the super heroes from our current collection of toddler t-shirts. And he now likes Cars toys and movies again. That night, July 2, was a Friday and date night. When we came back from our date, Peter greeted us, crying and heartbroken that his sisters had turned off Cars 2. (He watches Cars 2 all the time). He was looking at me, wondering why they won't let him watch Cars 2 again "Mom! Why! McMissile! Why!"

Pretty adorable. Peter is just cute, we think its cute when he likes stuff, when he's sad cause he can't get what he wants. He is really sweet and does a good job being the baby of the family. He is playing the roll very well. 

So there's my Peter loves Spiderman tangent. Back to today - July 11th. We watched the last episode of the Chosen Season 2 tonight. I really loved it. I love The Chosen so much. The kids also watched Family Man with Corey, and we finished off birthday cake and ice cream from Natalie's special day yesterday, and I was able to blog about our trip to Lake Tahoe. We had a little family meeting- Joseph and Hyrum were able to join in. 
It's so great being able to talk to Melodie and Ethan each week too. We love talking to them It great that we are able to have the kids together, even if it's just virtually. Technology is a real blessing. That's all for today - 

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