Monday, July 26, 2021

First Day at Park City

Our first day at Park City and it was great. Nancy and I started the day with a bike ride at Round Valley. 

Nancy has biked this every year. What have I been doing with my Park City vacations?!? I gotta make up for lost time. It was really fun and beautiful and I'm excited to go again tomorrow. Back at the room time for 10 o'clock crafts with Grandma. Today they painted little ceramic figures. Much like how he colors, Daniel worked slowly and intentionally. He is a very careful artist. 
After crafts, it was time to go swimming. Even I got into the pool (granted I chose the hot tub, but that still counts!)
After swimming, they did a little bit of necklace making in Grandma's room.
They made very nice and colorful necklaces.
Peter worked so carefully on a puzzle. Super cute.
We played a round of Hotel tag before dinner. Peter and I were a team. He's cute and did a good job being quiet, but he's a bit slow, which worked to our disadvantage, but that's ok. Other teams were: Natalie and Lily, Sophi and Isaac, Abi and Rhyan
We stopped the game when dinner was ready. I don't think anyone was declared the winner. After dinner, a little after 7, we drove up close to the Montague where there was a place to park and unload our bikes, and then on the west side of the road was a place to get on the Midmountain trail. Corey, Wes, Abi and I read to head down the trail~
Corey's dad took the car back to the hotel and we had a very nice and beautiful ride down the mountain.
For Abi and I, our favorite part was this picture above, where the aspens made a canopy of green above us, but we could see each other through the trunks, and the sound of the wind and of birds was lovely, and it was overcast too, so the lighting was just beautiful and it smelled lovely as well - it was just a feast for all the senses.
We stopped and shared a short video with Mel and Ethan, remembering last year when they didn't know what they were doing (we still don't) and they ended up hiking up a big hill at the Silver mine. 
The kids all took one last swim for the day after we got back to the hotel.
It will be another day of fun tomorrow. Sleep tight little boys.

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