Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Silver Lake with Friends

Tonight we had plans to go on a little walk in the mountains to escape the heat. We were going to go at 7:00 with some neighbors, the Kofoeds. Around 6:40 she texted me that there was rain in the forecast, 100% chance of showers at Brighton. Do we reschedule, or play at their house, or do we brave it?!? I let the kids vote, and Lily had the loudest voice "Let's do it!" so I grabbed some ponchos and we headed up for a drizzly adventure. 
I scrummaged through the 72 hour kits to find some ponchos. Cute kids. It worked out perfect, cause it seemed that the rain scared away most of the other would be hikers. The boys went puddle jumping - the girls walked around.
It is usually quite crowded but tonight it was much quieter, well, except for us!
There was a momma duck and her 4 little ducklings, so cute. The boys were kinda screaming at them, except for sweet Peter. 
Peter was in the jogging stroller, and doesn't like it when anyone else pushes him besides me, but Lily was sneaky and pushed him the last 1/3 around the lake loop.
Back at the cars we enjoyed some original and some chocolate rice krispy treats that Stephani made
It was an appropriate outing for this "Days of 47" weekend that is coming up, since this is where the first Pioneer day celebration was held in 1857 on the 10 year anniversary of their entering the valley. Lots of wagons, horses and oxen were up here. 
This weekend will be a little busy with Sophi having a soccer tournament on Thurs, Fri, and Saturday. But today was a rather low key day at home. I cleaned legos off of the floor in the basement and kids played down there. I listened to a lot of Laura Dixon's videos as I worked. I went to the Draper Temple early this morning and participated in an endowment session, yay! Temple are open again! Pretty Temple flowers. It's been a good day. 

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