Tuesday, July 20, 2021

A Summer Tuesday

Okkkk, exciting news I saw first thing this morning as I was getting my phone ready to go biking - The Killers are releasing another album next month!!! Awwyeah!!

I'm super excited. I texted Mel to let her know. I don't think any one else in my fam really cares, but I felt like I could share my excitement with her cause she used to send me Killers stuff. 

On Tuesday Abi has flute. During the summer it's been at 11 but during the school year it has been at 5:30. I thought it might be good to document.
I took Wes to the Sandy Police to get a background check so that he's good to go to Guatemala on Aug 1st. I took pictures of flowers on our way out

There was a little Pioneer Day neighborhood parade tonight that was cute. 
I didn't go, cause it was hot outside, but I helped the kids get out the door. Peter fell asleep tonight in the side room - 
and he was also standing up, so funny.
Abi was babysitting some neighbor kids while their mom was biking with her son's school biking team. Her two boys are playing Uno there with Natalie and Daniel. I like biking. Maybe I'll do something like that when Owen is on a biking team during high school. ;)

Hyrum is still being afflicted in Philadelphia by an ingrown toenail.

One last pic - here is a photo Abi from EFY last week - aaand the kid she had a major crush on (Bryce). Hey Bryce, if you're out there, Abi is totally sad that she dropped her phone in a pool right before EFY and now she doesn't know how to reach you. Leave a comment below and I'll get you her number!

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