Wednesday, August 4, 2021

More Birthday Cake

Owen got his second birthday this morning! Happy birthday Owen! My mom came by to give him some presents and a cake. 

Most everyone else was gone, and Owen wanted to celebrate, so we did, and we saved cake to share with his siblings.
Taking cues from her other grandsons, my mom got Owen some Pokémon stuff - cards, clothes, and a few Pokémon megablocks toys. 
She said that Pokémon was all that Grant's boys and Patrice's sons wanted. She is sure that Owen will learn about Pokémon and how to play with it once he makes friends in first grade. Owen playing with his presents in the front room.
Peter playing with his cars this morning. 
I love just watching him. Yes, he's wearing the same clothes from last night. But I also had just put them on after a bath after we got back from the BBQ where he got dirty and messy. His clothes of choice right now are his McQueen shirt and shorts. So yes, he slept in his clothes. If it has Lightening McQueen on it, it is around the clock attire. 
We'll start doing real pajamas in the winter once it starts getting cold again. Hopefully that won't be too soon, cause we still have a lot of mountain biking that we want to do. Lily didn't want to come with us yesterday, so we didn't pick that battle and make her come, and so it also made us glad that she wanted to go on a ride this evening. She arranged to go with her friend Isa. Corey took them to Corner Canyon and I think they went down Canyon Hollow. Fun! Biking is so fun.
Daniel and Peter playing with some story book legos in my closet. 

I know that this is really thinking ahead, but I bought the princess storybooks for myself cause they are cute and I like that they are compact, so I want to have these toys up on my shelf for my granddaughters to play with when I'm a grandma. :) And I guess my grandsons can play with them too, since Daniel and Peter seem to like to play with them as well. I don't know why I gave in and let the kids build them. I wanted to keep them new so I have all the pieces, but now I'm sure some will get lost, even though I tell the kids that they have to stay in the closet when they play with them.

In other family news, I think I've mentioned a few times last month that Hyrum has a bad ingrown toenail. He's been trying home remedies, and has sent me probably a hundred pictures of it over the past month. It really doesn't look any better, so I've scheduled an appointment for him to go get it operated on after he and Joseph arrive back from Philadelphia. They just have a few more weeks. Well, Hyrum has a few weeks. Joseph just has a few days, cause next week he's heading down to Guatemala to visit his mission. He and Corey and Wes have plans to visit a few places together, so that will be fun for them. Then Joseph will fly back to Philly on Aug 23rd, which will be Hyrum's last day, and then they'll take a cross country road trip and be home later that week. Joseph's plan is for them to arrive in the evening on Aug 27th. One last ting on the home front - Corey's contract project ended on July 31st, and he got an offer today from a company, but they are a rival to Rivet where he worked last year, and he signed a 12 month non compete, so he's not going to be able to accept that position, darn. He will keep looking and we'll keep praying. 

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