Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Ride and Play

We had a crazy night last night. I answered the phone when I heard it ringing, it was Corey's brother calling around 1 am saying that no one was at the airport to get Wes and Seth. I didn't know what to do, so I woke up Corey. Then he went down and woke up our Guatemalan friend in the basement, Junior, to tell him we needed his help. Junior called his sister in Guatemala City and woke her up, Guatemala and Utah are in the same time zone right now. She was getting ready when Mark was able to get a hold of someone at the humanitarian organization and they didn't know Seth and Wes were there, some miscommunication or something, but yeah, around 2 am we went back to bed, hoping that Wes and Seth make it to their living quarters? 😬Yikes. I'm glad that Corey is going down there on Thursday, although I wish he was there now to help them. I was feeling nervous and doubtful about this organizations competency. So, what to do when I feel some stress and anxiety? Go biking!! Even with the mid-night interruption, I got up for my morning therapy, and it was another beautiful morning and sunrise at Corner Canyon. 

I was on the trail at 6:20 am. I went up Clarks, and I only stopped one time to walk and catch my breath, not bad. I took the Ghost Falls trail down and merged onto Rush. It is so fun. I think I am going to be really sad to not get up here during the weekday mornings after school starts. Although I am ready to get up early and take full advantage of biking all summer next year. Corey took Junior and Mario and some of the kids on a ride in the canyon this morning. I dropped them off and played the shuttle role. Junior on the left in blue, Mario in red.

First they went down the sandy double track by the quarry for a test ride. Our niece Rhyan has been over here for a sleep over, and she brought her bike so she went with them too. 
After that trail run, we went up by Lisa Falls to drop everyone off for a ride down. Peter's ready to roll!!! They were going to take the trail all the way home.
Owen likes the mostly flat trail at the bottom by the quarry, but does not like the upper trail. I told him that was fine, he could come home with me. But the last minute he changed his mind that he did want to go on the hard ride with everyone. Way to face your fears Owen!
Owen was so brave doing down the trail that Corey told him he could play Minecraft on the ipad when he got home. After an hour or so of playing, I told him that that was enough time and that it was time to go play with toys or something else, and this little boy was just beside himself with grief. He stood next to me and begged for a while...
Then he went and cried as he played with toys. 
He has got Minecraft on the brain. There is a really sweet little boy in our neighborhood that is Owen's age, and Owen goes over there a lot, and we've learned that they play Minecraft most of the time, so we've been trying to have Owen bring him over here so that they play outside or with toys or something, but Owen often goes over there and he'll go without asking permission cause he knows I'll say no, so there's a little battle of wills going on. They are also new in the neighborhood, like for a year, and I don't feel like I can tell them what they let their kids do in their house, but Corey wants to go talk to the parents and tell them to not let Owen play video games. Anyway, so bit of a stuggle going on there with Owen. He calmed down eventually and hovered while Natalie had a turn, which I don't think it much better. Kinda hard to get a 6 year old to understand "Go do something else! Make something of your life!" So I just let him cry and eventually he stopped.
Back at home I checked in on Wes. I really thought he would have finished his fitness for life with the extra day he had in Texas yesterday, but instead he and Seth bonded with my brother playing street hockey with his kids. I checked on the status of his work and what still needed to be turned in and I panicked. Wes knows that his attendance at Skyline is on the line, so I really hope he gets this done. We thought it was all due today but I guess he has until Friday. I hope his internet connection is stable enough in Guatemala to get all this done and turned in on time. (Self talk: AHHHHH! don't panic don't panic try to trust this child to finish his work.) Today there was a neighborhood BBQ to go along with the National Night Out Against Crime, and that was fun. Natalie and Peter standing in front of the police car.
The kids liked the last one in 2019, pre-covid. They liked getting handcuffed. 
This time Owen and Daniel got to get put in the criminal seat in the back of the police car. So fun!
Back at home, I enjoyed watching Peter talk to his car and play with them.
Putting them all in Mack's trailer. He's a sweet little boy. Someday he might be struggling with his high school classes. I'll enjoy this time when life is simple.

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