Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Safely Arrived

Corey and Wesley are finally home. They were supposed to come home yesterday, but that flight got delayed 4 times and then cancelled. They hung out in the Delta American Express lounge until they figured out what was going on, and then they got a hotel for the night. I was glad that Corey was with Wes and Seth for their second cancelled flight out of Dallas. That was a good idea that Corey decided to join them for this trip. A flight cancelled on the way to Guatemala and on the way home got me thinking today - is this a Dallas thing? Or an American Airlines thing, or just an ironic thing? It might just be irony and bad luck. But I guess it's not so bad, it's not like they trying to flee Afghanistan or anything. I think that the cancelled flights were both because of weather.  I wasn't counting on them coming home today until they got in the air, but they did board the plane and lift off, and then when life 360 didn't update their location, I felt it was safe to assume that they took off. Yay! 

Joseph is still having fun in Guatemala until next Monday. Then he'll fly back to Philly and he and Hyrum will head back home across the country on Tuesday. If I could zoom out further and if Mel and Ethan were on life 360 with us, we'd see them on that map there too. Just hanging out in different places across the Americas. They had a few delays today - arrival time went from 3:06 to 4:28 to 5:00, but they made it. Back at home - Corey showing the girls the shirts he got for them...
While Daniel and Peter get hugs from Wes
And the little boys return that love to him in the best way they know how, aka "Get him!"
Before dinner Corey had us go sit down and look at some pictures of their trip. Lots of pictures of beautiful people and green places.
I'll try to get some of those pictures and post them later this week. They had a great adventure and we're glad they are back home. Wes saw this Spiderman and knew he had to get it for Peter. So cute, Peter love it! Cause he loves Spiderman.
Joseph sent some chiky cookies, which brings back to me memories of when he was gone on his mission, my mission (I had a companion from Guatemala, Hermana Bonilla, and her mom would send packages with chiky cookies in them) and memories of when we bought these cookies when we lived in Costa Rica.

So, yeah, we're glad they are back. That turned into a longer trip than they thought! I had to cancel Wesley's appointment to go get his schedule this morning, and now it's set for tomorrow at 9. That will give him a chance to sleep in a little bit if he needs that. It's ok that they got delayed for me, cause that gave me an extra day to finish the cleaning that I didn't have done yet yesterday. And now my bedroom is clean too, yay! It's been pretty easy to clean up with only two little kids underfoot. Yesterday Daniel and Peter were playing "baby" and I swaddled them up and talked to them like they were infants and we all did lots of goo-goo's and gaa-gaa's. They thought it was pretty fun.

So far I'm loving being home all day with just these two. They play and I clean and listen to podcasts or I read. I do plan on taking them on outings after we get into the swing of the school year, but I'm staying home this week to play catch up on the mess left over from summer. 

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