Monday, August 16, 2021

First Day for Everyone! (almost)

Summer is officially over. The new school year is here! Usually we have a few different start days, cause of a kindergartener who has to wait a few extra days or because of the different school districts that our kids are in, but this year they started on the same day! But it's also "almost" the first day for everyone, cause Wes is still in Guatemala, so his first day is today, but he's not here, so it's also going to be Wednesday since he will be absent today and tomorrow. We are having Wesley change schools, so he is going to go to Brighton. I think the change will be good for him, kinda give him a fresh start. We have an appointment go to figure out his schedule on Wednesday morning. He and Corey will be arriving home around 5 tomorrow, yay. 

There are 4 moms in the jr. high carpool, and since we don't have online Friday this year (sniff) that means we have to divide 5 days by 4 people. So I am taking morning carpool to Churchill on Mondays and Tuesdays and we going to alternate Wednesdays (probably by month). I was able to take and share this pictures with the moms of our kids on their first day of jr. high.  Abi is in 8th, her last year at Churchill before she heads off to the big world of high school. Lily is in 7th grade.

Today is Ethan's day to call home, and he called just after I took that pic and was saying bye to the kids. I called out to Abi and Lily to "Say Hi to Ethan!!!" as they walked in the door, and I let Ethan see his old stomping ground and remember years past. We chatted on the drive home. He said "I want to be a kid again. That was so fun, to have no worries, no pressure... you and dad took care of everything..." as he watched Sophi and Natalie play with a roly poly before they walked off to school. 
They were up and ready by the time I got home and they wanted to leave at 8, even though the bus doesn't come until 8:40. Silly kids. I made them stay and pose for me.
At 8:15 I said they could go. Thanks to the other moms for capturing the bus stop for me.
After they left, I gave Peter chocolate cake for breakfast, cause why not...
I stayed home today to work and clean. I spent a bit of time figuring out how to get Wes enrolled at Brighton, and I cleaned the bedrooms as I listened to the Killers Imploding the Mirage Album (which might be my favorite) and listened to a few interviews that they've done recently. Now the rooms are all clean and vacuumed. I told the kids yesterday to be sure to get anything that they want to keep off the floor, because after they leave for school, the toy monster was coming to eat up everything. This song is of the original toy monster that I knew as a kid - the Gunny Bag! Oh my gosh, I haven't heard that in years!! 

We had a whirlwind of activity right after school. Lily got home, and I left her in charge of Peter and Daniel and I went to pick up Sophi and Natalie at school for violin. We were there for an hour, I talked to Ethan and Corey and Joseph. They were heading back from Tikal to Guatemala City before their flight home tomorrow. Right after violin, I took Natalie to dance, which goes from 5:30-7, and then Sophi to soccer practice which is at 5:30 too. I stayed and read a book, The Holy Invitation, while I waited for Sophi, who was done at 6:30, then we went to pick up pizza (Little ceasars didn't have any cheese ready, only one pepperoni unless we wanted to wait for 15 minutes, which we couldn't, so we took the pep and went to get Natalie, and then home. Phew! The kids ate and I did dishes and then I went to put the sprinkler on to help water the new grass for the neighbors who are moving. I ran over to change that several times for the next 2 hours. I went on a quick bike ride at 8:30 even though it was pretty smoky outside. The kids watched Daily Dose of Internet while I was gone. After my ride and moving the sprinkler again, we came up to read the Book of Mormon together. We're in Omni. After we were done, Daniel said "Hey! What about my turn??!" So then Abi helped him read a verse and it was really cute, so I told her to keep going while I went and got my camera. Peter had joined in too, and it was just stinkin' adorable.
I love seeing my kids try to read the scriptures

Cute kids. We are heading to bed at a pretty decent time again tonight, yay. I'm hoping we're able to make and keep a good schedule this year.

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