Sunday, August 15, 2021

Sunday Camera Roll

Here are the pics from my camera roll for today. Peter was looking dapper for church this morning. I slicked his hair over and he looked at himself in the mirror and proclaimed "I look great!" 

He is our favorite little person. Here's what he came back with after nursery today - 
My sweet Peter and his adorable precious moment eyes. At church, Daniel made us late leaving, cause he was just too involved with his coloring.
He got one on one attention today from Brother and Sister Huber, and they think he's pretty great.
I still trying to go home though. The rest of the kids were waiting in the car. Daniel wasn't done yet. I took a picture so I could show it to him at home, to give him evidence that we could leave and he would still know how to color it.
But D wouldn't budge. "I'm almost.... done.... (color color)"
He has continued to be a very careful and precise artist and color-er. Daniel also gave a talk today in primary. I had three other drafts that I tried writing last night, but it just wasn't flowing. With each one I was like "He's not gonna know what that means..." so I scrapped it and decided I'd try again to write it this morning. I was in the zone this AM an dI hustled out this one that made the final cut. 
I had several teachers say that it was such a sweet simple pure talk and that he delivered it so well and they wanted copies of it. I said I'd send it along if he still had it, as that was the only copy. Sophi helped him say his talk and gave it to me. His talk was as follows: 

"We want our homes to be like the temple. Temples are clean, special, and holy. We can make our homes clean when we help each other and love each other. we can make our homes special when we love each other. we can make out homes holy when we pray together and learn about our Heavenly Father. He wants us to come back to heaven with Him, and live with Him. We learn that in the temple. we learn to obey, serve, and love. I will obey my parents and God, serve my brothers and sisters, and love my family. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen."

After church, Abi made a cake. It's the best one she's ever made and she was very proud.
I helped put on the sprinkles.
Peter down for his nap this afternoon~
He slept through the cake, but we saved him a piece.
So I've just got 7 kids at home! It's so easy, like the good ol' days of a decade ago. Life was so simple. Today Corey and Wes and Joseph are in Guatemala. They took a flight to Tikal and visited that today. 
I don't know who any of these people but here are a few pictures from Guatemala.
I think they are having a great time. Joseph is loving being back.
Cute kids in the families they visited. Corey thought this girl below with the pink panther shirt looked like Natalie. 

Very humble circumstances and very humble people. Why are we born here in the US with so much opportunity? And these cute kids weren't? Why me? Why us? We hope Wes takes advantage of it more now that he's seen and can understand a little better how blessed we are with temporal things.

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