Saturday, September 11, 2021

9/11 and BYU Football

Today will be remembered as the 20th anniversary of the attacks of September 11th. Corey, Abi, Lily and I are going to go to New York next month and I am really looking forward to seeing the 9/11 museum and things like that. Over the past few weeks, I have watched quite a few videos about 9/11 -

And I haven't watched it yet but a friend recommended the National Geographic "9/11: One Day In America" Documentary, she said it is really good, so I want to watch that before we go to New York. Here's another clip from it. Sophi had a soccer game this morning in Park City and they held a moment of silence to remember the victims and all those who work to protect our country and defend our freedom. 

So now it's a bit late. It was a fun Saturday here in our happy bubble. Corey came home tonight and turned on the BYU vs. Utah game. "It's time to continue their indoctrination!" haha. (Wes and Abi both want to go to BYU more after tonight... Corey's plan is working!)

So everyone had a lot of homework and other important things to do, but instead we watched the game. It's almost midnight, game is over, and little kids are all passed out now - 

Natalie is wearing red, but she was rooting for BYU!
The U looked like they were gonna make a comeback in the 4th quarter and Wes was a bit nervous - 
But BYU pulled off a win 26-17! It was fun to watch the game. Joseph was there in the stadium. We were happy to watch at home. Wes and Abi were really into the game. Fans storming the field. Look at all that blue!
Poor Hyrum came home today from his Home MTC at Corey's parents house, so that he can come to church with us tomorrow. But he can't watch the football game, and we all wanted to watch it, so he studied in our bedroom where he couldn't hear the excitement of the game quite as much (but still enough that he was sad that we cared more about the game than spending time with him). Luckily Peter didn't care about the game and was happy to spend quality time with Hyrum!
He was giving Hyrum's shoulders a ticklish massage, ha
Cute Peter.

We will miss you Hyurm. Sorry, we'll try to pay attention and spend time with you tomorrow! He is leaving for 2 years and we're not going to see him, but we'd chose to watch the football game over spending time with him, how sad. But Hyrum recognizes that he's the 4th missionary and we've done this before and we've learned how to handle the homesickness for our kids, and there's nothing we can do about it anyway to stop you all from leaving us, so we're trying to be ok with it. As long as Peter never leaves us! ...and never grows up. He better stop right now and promise to always wear Spider Man pajamas and play with toy cars. 

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