Friday, September 10, 2021

Aquarium Again

Look at me and my bad self - I took the boys to the aquarium again today, go me. Peter likes the turtles.
We saw lots of animal again and a few places that we hadn't seen yet, like the deep water creatures places - 
And I let them discover the Tiki Room, since we still had enough time to go play in there. Little boys going down the slide. 

The only thing we had to get back for was to take Natalie to dance at 2, so when I needed them to come, I told them they could each get a picture on the frog, and then we needed to go. They liked that.

Sitting on the colorful frogs -

This membership is great, and I'm very grateful that Beka and Matt shared it with us. It makes it a little easier time wise that it's closer than Thanksgiving Point. 

Corey and I didn't go out to eat tonight because there was a Stake Relief Society thing that I wanted to listen to, so we're going to go tomorrow. Tonight, he worked late and I went on a bike ride at Corner Canyon (it rained a little) as I listened to the conference and enjoyed the mountain scenery. Elder Renlund was one of the main speakers. I really like all of his messages. He's very soft spoken, and said tonight how he's an introvert and didn't mind the isolation of the quarantine. He said there is a joke among people in Sweden, where he spent some time growing up, that when the government started social distancing rules of 2 meters, the people said "Well can't we just go back to our usual 3 meters?" Haha, I thought it was funny. The first talk I ever heard of Elder Renlund's that I thought was amazing was before he was an apostle - a BYU Speech called Spiritual Stability. It was so good. I remember we were listening to it in the car on the way home from some holiday gathering at my sisters house and I loved the message and sat in the car after we got home to keep listening and hear what the speakers name was so that I could look it up. Here is a short film made of his talk. So that was my first encounter with Elder Renlund. I also loved his testimony of President Nelson. "As good as you think he is, he's even better. I would follow him anywhere." I love President Nelson and have a strong testimony of his goodness too. I loved reading the book "Insights" about his life. He is a remarkable man, and I appreciate hearing testimonies like Elder Renlund's since they know him personally and up close. I am so grateful to have a prophet to guide me and my family in this often times troubled world. 

So I enjoyed my time biking and listening to the devotional tonight. I left Abi in charge at home - she had some friends come over tonight while I was gone. They had a cake making contest. I was one of the judges. I thought they both tasted well, but Abi and Louise's cake beat out Lola's and Ella's on presentation. They had fun, and were even kind enough to let Lily and Jules tag along.

And a pretty rose from this morning. :) 

We're glad it is the weekend, and tomorrow will be fun with the BYU Utah football game! BYU hasn't beaten Utah since 2009. But BYU has also not lost on their home turf since 2019, and the game is at BYU, so maybe they'll pull off a win! Should be fun. 

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