Friday, September 3, 2021

Abi is 14!

Happy Birthday Abi! She is 14 today!
It was a school day, but she was glad for that, because her friends there made sure that she felt special. She was wearing a pageant sash and had a hat and they tied a poster to her back pack. 

Her friends got each of her classes to sing to her in each period. As she walked around in the halls with the poster with balloons on, people she didn't know would tell her happy birthday. Her teasing reply "Thank you!! How did you know?!?!" 

She came home with bags and boxes of fun treats and gifts. She opened a box of air pods, to find that in the box were two sweet smelling hand sanitizer bottles, haha!

"I have the best friends!"

I thought this note from her friend Lola was funny! - 

So that was fun for her. It was early out day, but Abi stayed after school and hung out with friends for a bit. Lily came home with afternoon carpool, and as soon as she arrived, I took Hyrum to Mr. Mac to get fitted for a suit. He decided on the gray.

And we also got him two &collar shirts. 

After that, I went to Costco and Hyrum went to exchange some items at Deseret Book and then to an eye appointment to get new glasses. Back at home I took Wes to exchange some new shoes at DSW, Hyrum was back home and he went to pick up Abi, who went to Corey's parents house and opened gifts there after she was done with her friends. My mom had dropped off gifts and an ice cream cake, so the kids had date night cheese pizzas while Corey and I went out to eat at Tucanos. After Corey and I were home, we sang to the birthday girl and cut the cake.

I don't decorate like I used to (even though the decorating I did do wasn't really much) and I feel a little bit sorry about that. So sorry kids, but we're taking some things off of our plate with the things we've been adding. It's been a busy week, and I'm glad to have a morning off from responsibilities tomorrow and Corey and I are going to go on a bike ride. :) Happy birthday Abi, and happy weekend!

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