Thursday, September 2, 2021

Holy Invitation

It has been a busy week. My mornings are pretty much spoken with early morning seminary for Wes, getting Lily to jazz band and Abi to her soccer intramurals at 6:45, and I'm taking carpool MonTuesWed this month. But hooray - today is a Thursday! ...that means it was my chance to have a moment to sneak out for a bike ride! I happily took advantage of the opportunity. 
It was a lovely morning and I'm looking forward to another ride tomorrow and Saturday.
I will take advantage of this until the cold fall rains or winter snows make me stop. Then it was busy busy - more running around to get Hyrum ready for his mission. They were out of white men's pants yesterday at the Distribution center, but yay I was able to find him white pants at the thrift store. And I got a few black bags to hold temple clothes for Hyrum and also Joseph, who said his bag got ruined by humidity in Philly. Just $2 and $3 bucks, yee-haw. Hyrum went to the DI after I got home and he found a good suit there so that was a blessing too. We're going to go to Mr. Mac tomorrow where we plan to pay full price to get a legit custom fit suit. But Hyrum was all set to go to the temple tonight. 
Corey and I have a scripture displayed in our bedroom - Joshua 24:15 as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." 
In that verse, house means FAMILY! Maybe "The House of the Lord" means the Family of the Lord! 💗 It is where eternal families are created after all. Hyrum and Corey went in at 5:50 and I waited for Joseph to come, who was on his way from Provo. The bus was a little slow and he missed the Frontrunner train because the bus pulled into the station right as the train was leaving. Seems like the train should grant a little bit of time cushion for things like that. He made it with 10 minutes to spare so we were in right on time. It was a lovely temple session. I usually struggle just keeping my eyes open, and I was worried that would happen today, esp since I had my early drive kids to seminary morning. So I took a nap earlier today and I was very glad that I stayed awake and attentive the whole time. Hyrum didn't seem overwhelmed with the experience, which I thought was good. I enjoyed taking  a temple prep class with him and for the things I've been able to study recently (Follow Him podcast on D&C 88 was really good, especially part 2. I also bought and read Anthony Sweat's book The Holy Invitation, which also has helped me grasp a little more this time through)... It was fun talking to Hyrum in the celestial room and sharing some thoughts. 
It was wonderful having family there. My sister Beka came but had to hurry back home, and my dad was feeling sick so he wasn't able to make it. But we love the temple and it was a wonderful evening in the temple together tonight.

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