Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Aquarium and Biking

I made good on my goal this week and I left the house with Daniel and Peter. It's my first time doing so during the school week since school started. I guess/I hope that have kinda gotten a handle on the busy school mornings. We went out to the Living Planet Aquarium. My sister Beka and her husband have a membership and they shared it with us, which was so nice. We've had it for almost a month, so I'm glad we were finally able to use it today. Daniel and Peter loved it. 

They ran from one exhibit to the next, ooh-ing and ahh-ing at each new animal on display.
The frogs were fun. Peter got to review his colors.
A fish tried to take a nip out of Daniel's fingers! 

Today was Melodie's p-day, so I put myself on mute and let her see Peter and Daniel exploring.
We took a selfie in the photo booth. Yay, just saved myself $7 bucks.
Riding the whales. 
Peter counting the penguins.
We didn't see everything, but that is ok, cause it just means we'll be back soon.

Tonight our friend Angel and her family came by for a visit. Some of them are heading back to Chile tomorrow, so Corey wanted them to go mountain biking. It tool almost an hour of him nagging and guilt tripping them over all the times he did stuff on a mission that he didn't want to do "cause that's just what you do when you're visiting a different country! You gotta keep your host family happy!" and so they finally said ok and we took them to Corner Canyon. We parked near the Andy Ballard Arena and rode through the tunnel under Highland Drive and showed them a little green trail right at the bottom of the Equestrian Center Trail. Peter rode walked up with his balance bike. 
It was close to sunset, so there were a lot of riders coming down and I kept calling out "There are beginner bikers in front of you!" as they headed on the trail - Natalie did it a few times, Sophi and Lily lent their bikes out but they got to go a few times too, and Owen was on the trail and we hoped he wasn't getting run over. He went slow and was a little scared of the rolling hills but did pretty good. We didn't let Peter on it, although he was standing there at the entrance and wanted to. Peter was very patient and waited until Corey was able to take him on it on the shotgun seat. I think/hope it was a good experience. 
The kids played on the bleachers until it was dark - 
I like silhouette photos. 

So it was a good day with a visit to the aquarium and another fun memory at Corner Canyon.

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