Sunday, September 19, 2021

Daniel is 5!!!

Happy Birthday To You, Happy Birthday To You! Happy Birthday To DAAANIELLLLL! Happy Birthday To You!

We went to church this morning, and then he opened presents after we got back home. Lily, Sophi, Natalie, and Owen all made him little gifts of stuff they felt inclined to share. Owen, for example, gave Daniel the paper chain that Lily had made as decorations for Sophi's birthday (you can see it hanging from the kitchen chandelier in the 2nd pic) Cute kids. I gave him a lego set from Costco, which was three lego sets in one, and his older siblings helped him put those together in the front room.
Other parts of Daniel's celebration today included a Crumble cookie, gifts, book and card from his primary teachers Brother and Sister Huber.
Then Corey took the kids over to his parents house where Daniel was the little man of the hour.

He got some clothes and a sea life puzzle, which should remind him and Peter of the aquarium when they do it. And then my mom came over at like 6:30 tonight to bring some cupcakes and popsicles and to give Daniel some gifts and clothes. 

We visited with my mom and dad for a bit and talked about my siblings and what's going on in their lives. Having time to sit and visit with them is a rare treat, so that was really nice to visit with them, After all the fun was over, we gathered for scriptures, but first we watched some family videos of little silly Daniel. Here is one that we watched that made me laugh the most. We shared pictures of the videos with Mel, Ethan, and Hyrum to remind them of their previous lives. Daniel's little smiles and big giggles were just precious. I'm glad we've captured some of those years. And there were lots of other funny ones we didn't get to. I admit it, I really miss my babies! The kids thought this drinking milk one was was really funny and they want to send it to Daily Dose of Internet. Daniel said he had a good day, so yay, we'll count that as a success. I'm glad that 5 year olds are still pretty easy to please. We sure love little Daniel.

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