Saturday, September 18, 2021

Weekend Report

Yesterday Abi and Lily didn't have school for some reason. I don't know why, but I was grateful and took advantage of it! I asked Abi to get Sophi, Natalie, and Owen off to school and he said she would, so right after I dropped off Wes at early morning seminary, I headed to Corner Canyon to explore. I went up Clarks to Peakview and kept going up after that up the Peakview Trail and peaked into the valley that is on the Alpine side of the canyon. So pretty!

It looks like there are a ton of more trails over there and it was absolutely lovely. This morning I saw 3 deer and 4 turkeys, so that was fun too. As I explored, I ended up on Jacob's Ladder, which as I started to go down looked very difficult, so I walked my bike quite a bit. I soon found a narrow trail that was bikeable, though it was probably for hikers only, but I took that and ended up at Ghost Falls, and that was good to be back in familiar territory. I was back a little after 9. I know that I've probably posted a hundred photos of the pink and yellow roses in our yard, but here's another one anyway - 
So after I got home, Abi suggested we go to the aquarium, and so I took her and Lily (and L's friend Jules) and they took Daniel and Peter around to see the exhibits while I sat at a food table and worked on my lesson for Sunday. I am leading the Gospel Doctrine lesson on Doctrine and Covenants 102-105. I listened to lots of podcasts on my bike rides this week and have shoved my brain full of as much as I can about these sections. I was able to organize my thoughts a little bit at the aquarium. When the kids were done exploring and came for a dessert before we headed back home.
After the aquarium and after the elementary kids got home from school, I took Abi to her friends house. Owen came along and read his books in the car so that he could play with Oliver, then I brought him back home. I picked up Natalie from ballet, and then I took her and Daniel with me to go by my parent's house to pick tomatoes.
It's fun to see my kids work in my parents' garden.
I would try to grow a garden, but the deer that pass though our yard make that a futile effort. I tried it one year, but that was it. It is better for us to just use vegetables from my parents garden. Today I would have gone on a bike ride again, but it was raining, so I stayed home and was glad that I had gone yesterday. I read books with Peter...
worked more on my lesson, talked to Hyrum for his p-day (This filter on Daniel was hilarious) 
He was using Corey's phone. But once the kids start using filters, Corey is like "I can't" and he leaves, so Daniel did that until he gave Corey back his phone - and we got a peek of Corey with the filter. 
He said "That is surprisingly accurate to how I feel..." 
So that was funny. (Ethan said a few days later, after seeing that photo of Corey "Dad this is what you looked like to me when I had a girlfriend" - that made me laugh). My kids make me laugh. They are great people and I'm so proud of who they are becoming. Today I started to get together a package to send to Hyrum before he leaves in 10 days. So I got time, but am also getting it ready. I need to go pick up his glasses that he ordered as soon as they are ready. So I'm getting a few other things to send to him too. I had the kids all write him a letter.
I'm also going to send Ethan a package of two &collar shirts, one long and one short sleeve, and I'm sending a b-day card to my dad's cousin Dennis and to our brother in law now not BIL Eric. He and my sister's divorce should be finalized soon, as they are coming up on 90 days next week. Peter asleep on the stairs tonight. 
I think when the toddler is putting himself to bed, that it's time for bed. Goodnight.

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