Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Wednesday Errands

It was a kinda crazy busy Wednesday. Morning was spoken for by school, and then I tried to get some personal things done during the day - a little bit of cleaning, coaching, and studying. At 3:20, as soon as Lily was home, I took her and Hyrum and we went to pick up Natalie from school. We took Natalie to dance, then Lily to Corey at work so that he could take her to her clarinet lesson, then Hyrum and I went to the distribution center to get him all ready for when he goes to the temple for the first time tomorrow. The only thing we didn't find were white pants. They were all out of men's white pants except for two pair that weren't his size. I'm hoping maybe we can find some at the DI tomorrow? They had a limit on the number of garments most people could buy, because they are having a shortage because of covid, but thankfully the limit doesn't apply to soon to be new missionaries. We were able to get in and out fairly quickly. All done, let's hurry home to drop Hyrum off and pick up Sophi and Wes -

Sophi had a soccer game today at 5:15, she had to be there at 4:45. We dropped her off, then back to pick up Natalie after dance, then to drop off Wes at hockey practice.
Then I took Natalie with me to run a few quick errands - I bought Wes a new pair of shoes out of the kindness of my heart (that I'm putting on his tab) then I got Natalie a frosty, then over to see the last of Sophi's game. She is really good at staying on the ball and keeping pressure on, and by doing that she got pretty close to scoring a goal today! 
The game was lost 9-2, but that is ok! Hopefully they are learning a little better what works each time they play. Corey brought Lily back from her clarinet lesson and they picked up Abi on the way home - she had stayed after to hang out with friends. We're trying to discourage that on school nights, I don't know why we let her do it today... maybe cause it's almost her birthday. Abi and Lily went over to young women's for a fun fall activity - painting pumpkins!
I picked up Wes after hockey and then took him to a youth activity, that he then decided he didn't want to go to, so then we came home. Now I'm having a moment to breathe and we had a yoyo dinner and kids are practicing. The little kids have been coloring a lot - mostly a Hello Kitty book. Owen got super busy last night writing out lines and lines of something... 
He was working hard! I see a few names of his friends and siblings, super cute.
I wonder if this is cute page of letters is what all my work looks like to God - "So cute! Look at her working so hard at being a mother! I love it!" I hope He loves it. I'm trying to keep my covenants by sacrifice. D&C 97:8

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