Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Biosphere Outing

I took Daniel and Peter to Thanksgiving Point today. We got there right when it opened, and they first went to play in the treehouse area. They were the only ones there and were a little worried that there were no other kids. 

Next we went to the Butterfly biosphere. Daniel was sad for a while when no butterflies landed on him. Soon one of the workers had one that she shared with us. It's wings were misshaped and I asked her about it, since we have experience with that, and she said yeah, he can't fly and this guys probably not going to live long. But it gave joy to a little 5 year old boy, so thank you butterfly!

I had a big blue one that kept flying and landing on my blue shirt, and a lady helped me get it off and Daniel was able to hold that one too. 
They didn't have any monarchs in their butterfly sanctuary or in their chrysalis hatching area. I hope the monarchs are ok! I miss the good ol' days when I found lots of eggs. We didn't have any this year. :(

It was discovered yesterday at Wesley's early morning practice that his skates are too big. Corey took him by Scheel's last night to try and find a pair that fit. They found out he was size 7, but instead of paying $250 for new skates, I'm glad that they waited while I looked in our bin of skates. We had a size 7. So I went and got those sharpened today for Wes so that he would be ready for practice after school. I also got him a sharpening punch card, aka I bought 10 sharpenings in bulk but at a discounted price, so next time Wes needs them sharpened it will be free on the punch card. They said it's good to get them sharpened after every 10 times on the ice. Good to know. They also do boot stretching at this little hockey shop, so that might be a good idea to get done for Wesley's skates too, but not today. Maybe after he gets a job to start helping pay for all this stuff.

I picked up Abi early from school again for her flute lesson today, and then I went and got Wes's skates sharpened, and then I snuck off to get in one more bike ride before the fall rains come, which should be starting tomorrow. I forgot my helmet but decided to go anyway. Sorry to the biking police if that is dangerous. I'd rather ride without a helmet than go back home to get it and not have time to come back. Started at Coyote Trailhead at 2:33, At Ann's east at 2:48, Peakview at 3:11, Ghost falls at 3:15, down then back up, second time down at 3:34. I really love Ghost falls, although it smelled really bad this time cause it started to rain and the dead leaves were stinky. I thought of how lovely Armstrong smelled of pine after the rains there. Well, I'm glad it was stinky, cause now I'm not sad about not being able to bike anymore. Ann's was nice. Pretty pink trees.
The rain started to pick up on my second time down, so I hurried back to the car and did not do the rush loop twice. I got back to take Wes to hockey and Abi to her game. Another Tuesday in the books. 

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