Monday, October 4, 2021

Kids are Great

Peter is just the cutest thing. He loves the Bear Snores On book, and he especially loves it when Corey reads it to him.

It's fun to see how different our children's personalities are - cause poor little Hyrum was terrified when Corey read this book, if you can't tell by his concerned expression below - when they were close to the part where the bear was going to wake up! Sometimes Hyrum would hurry and shut the book when they got to the page before that moment, it was really funny. It's one of our fondest memories of little Hyrum.
Corey still plays the bear part very well and Peter thinks it's the funniest thing!
So that is so fun. Peter loves the Bear Snores On book, His My First 100 Animals Book, and My First 100 Trucks book. And he pulls all the other books of the shelf too as he looks for those ones. 

It was a normal busy Monday with 5 AM hockey practice for Wes and carpool. This morning at hockey practice, Wesley was feeling a bit dizzy but was determined to not have to sit out. He didn't sit out, but did go to the back of the line during a drill to try and catch his breath. Then he felt a little woozy and kinda gagged, then heaved again and threw up. BUT he kept it in his mouth. And then he swallowed it, cause he didn't want to be "that guy" that throws up on the ice. And then he threw it up again!! And caught it in his mouth again and just held it there for the last 5 minutes of practice. When they did the "Go Bengals" cheer at the end, Wesley wasn't able to participate with his voice, but he lifted his hand and fist pumped the air, then promptly ran off the ice and into the locker room. We thought it was quite the hilarious story. Corey picked Wes up (he was at the gym) and Wesley's coach overheard Wes telling that story to Corey and got a real kick out of it. Then the coach talked with Wes a little bit about how he's improved a lot, but also how there's something wrong with his skating and that he thought maybe his skates were too big. So Corey and Wes went by Scheels tonight to look at skates. Turns out Wesley's been wearing two sized too big. He needs to be size 7, and luckily we have a size 7 at home, so they didn't need to buy another pair of skates, but now I do need to go get these size 7s sharpened. 

A few other items for today - Sophi wanted me to enter this pencil comic strip in the Reflections contest, so I did, even though I don't think she put a lot of effort into it. She might just be entering it to help get a ice cream party for her class. 

It's a comic of someone cleaning up the ocean and then putting up a "No Littering" sign.

Corey handed me a stack of papers today and asked me to mail in Ethan's State Taxes, Federal taxes, and California state taxes. I was out of my comfort zone, and I was trying to make sense of it all by spreading it out on my bed, and Peter found a pencil and drew on a lot of it and I had to erase his artwork, but I did it and mailed it and was proud of myself. Peter in his dinosaur pajamas today playing with two dinosaur puzzles at violin. He's so cute. 

Wes has shared with us some conversations he has with kids at his table in his ceramics class. They mostly share how they don't want to get married or have kids, and Wesley says he wants to get married AND have children, and they say he is "so weird". Some of their reasons: "Kids are so expensive..." "They're so annoying..." "They're so loud!" and I said "I hope that you have defended Peter's honor!" and he did recently by playing them his ringtone, which is adorable Peter singing the Spider Man Theme song, which is so cute. And I also texted Wes this picture of Peter to soften their hearts, and one girl was charmed and had her heart softened by his angel baby face. 

I just want to say that kids are THE BEST thing ever and there is nothing I'd rather lose my life in than serving and taking care of my kids. They bring me joy every day. It's a ton of work, but it's so worth is. Just look at that face!! And little Peter has brought me joy every day of his life. The older they get, or when a baby comes and bumps them out of their place in the family, I probably don't give them each the full attention they need everyday or notice all the joy and fun they are, but I hope you'll believe me that you'll love your children more than anything, they will be worth more to you than a million dollars! And who wouldn't want a gift that's worth more than a million bucks? I'll take a million dollar gift anyday. I give babies and children a five star rating, two thumbs up, and I highly recommend marriage and family life. It's the best.

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