Saturday, October 16, 2021

Birthday Party and Bike Ride

Last night, Corey and I let Abi sleep over at a friend's house. We made the decision to make a one time exception to our no sleepover policy because Tara's mom has been very good at reaching out and inviting me inside to visit on times when I've gone over there to pick up Abi. I also feel I can trust her, and cause of the similar moral standards that the mom holds and appears to teach her kids (Abi and Tara went to EFY together,) and also because all the males were going to be out of the house. This was for Tara's birthday, happy birthday Tara!

Abi said that she will never ask for a sleepover again. That didn't factor into our decision, but is a bonus that we'll happily take and are therefore documenting for the record here on the blog, so it's official.
We picked Abi up at Tara's soccer game this morning.
Corey took Wes to a stick and puck session this afternoon, and scheduled an appointment at a chiropractor on their way home, after stopping by Play It Again Sports to exchange Corey's hockey helmet.
Wes is trying to stop Corey from taking his picture, the same as his first day of school at Brighton.

We (Corey and I) are going to be gone next weekend in New York with Abi and Lily, so I took kids to Kid to Kid to get Halloween costumes today. I resented it but I think we're all set, yay. 

Corey took kids on a cold bike ride tonight. He wanted to go on a ride before the winter is here, but I think he's too late...

That's snow in the mountains there behind them. 

Corey promised a pumpkin to each kid that came with him, but that only persuaded Sophi and Owen to go. The rest of the kids didn't want to go and could not be bribed. I left Peter and other kids at home with Wes, then Abi and I dropped them off at the top of the trail and then went to the gym. I was checking their status on Life360 and they weren't making very fast progress, and we picked them up on our way home. Owen had Corey's socks on his hands. It was cold and there was snow on the trail, which I could have told them, but Corey wanted to go. It makes a memory.

As soon as we got home, I hurried and changed my clothes and went to the temple for 8pm session. I scheduled several sessions today and then cancelled them when it didn't look like it would happen. I almost cancelled this last attempt since I still needed to figure out my lesson for tomorrow, but the lesson is on President Nelson's message about the temple! So it seemed like a good idea to go. I was glad that I didn't struggle that much keeping my eyes open this time, so that was a happy blessing, yay. I'm going to try to get up early to organize my thoughts for the lesson. Goodnight. 

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