Sunday, October 17, 2021

Survived Another Week

I taught Sunday School this morning on Doctrine and Covenants 115-120. Here at home, we like showing the kids these Line upon Line videos each week. I didn't get up early to review my notes, cause I'm not feeling well, so I didn't feel totally prepared, but I had done my best and I prayed for mercy and got it. I enjoy teaching. Back at home, Corey had prepared a meal for the kids, and as soon as kids came through the door after church, they helped themselves to it. A few starting making something else that they were in the mood for. I had gone to sit on the couch cause I didn't feel great and cause I had a free trial of hulu and I wanted to watch the 9/11 documentary with the kids before we go to New York this weekend, so I was blowing off helping in the kitchen. Corey was a little frustrated and I don't blame him. He let us all know that he misses sit down meals, and I do to. It hasn't been a priority for me since school started, not even on the weekends... it's kinda been a food free for all here. My excuse is that I've just been trying to survive. Sure, now we're two months in to the school year, so I should probably be adjusted to the routine of it all. Ooookkkk... I guess I'll take it on. Priority for this week is sit down dinner.

Abi and Corey fasted today because she was going to receive her patriarchal blessing at 2:00. I didn't fast cause, like I said, I've been feeling a little not great, but I still got to attend with them. Her blessing was very nice. One of the perks of a large family is being able to sit in on those with all our kids!! We still have 6 more coming. It's really neat. After that, I sat down and watched 9/11 stuff with but it was too sad for most of the kids, so I watched flight 93 with Wes and Corey took the rest of the kids to his parent's house. Daniel enjoying time with cousin Jordyn and Aunt Nancy and their dog Luna. Daniel is a cute social little guy.

Natalie wanted to show Grandma her Halloween outfit that we got yesterday. She's going to be Cruella.

Kids watching a church video, hopefully. 

On non-sabbaths I know they like to watch the Pink Panther cartoons over there, but hopefully today it was something spiritual. They also know they can count on Grandma for snacks and treats. 

Now it's 10:13 pm. Corey and I seem to take turns keeping each other awake - whichever one of us falls asleep first starts snoring first, and then the other person is out of luck. So I'm going to blog for a bit while I wait for that to quiet down, or I'll sleep on the couch, which lately has felt quite comfortable.

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