Sunday, October 31, 2021

Carving Pumpkins

Yesterday was a busy day with trick or treating fast upon us, but despite the time crunch, Corey still made good on his promise to take the kids who went biking to go get pumpkins. ...and a few others earned the right to go too. We didn't have time to carve them yesterday before trick or treaters came by. Oh well, it's Halloween today, so there's still time to be festive. The kids carved them after church. Here are the finished projects ~ I don't know which pumpkin is whose... But Peters is the tiny one by him, and Owen is sitting by Daniel's. I know that cause he had a hard time cutting through to finish the mouth. Owen's in the left one on the bench.

Corey might have gotten a video of the whole process. I'll see if I can find it. Here are a few pictures he shared on our family group chat with our missionaries. 
I'm not sure how it happened, but Sophi was the one who really earned the pumpkin by suffering on the cold on the bike ride, but somehow she was reading a book or fell asleep and wasn't clued into the carving party happening outside and she missed out, and someone carved her pumpkin too. I'm not sure how it all went down, cause I was taking a nap, but yeah, Sophi was sad. Sorry Soph. 
Peter the cutie - helping Corey. That one might have been Sophi's pumpkin.
Owen did a very good job.
Peter though this was very fun. He got a little bit of help, but we also let him use the knife by himself and he liked stabbing the pumpkin.
After everyone got cleaned up, Wes was a horse in the kitchen. 
He would like to share that it hurts your knees a lot to be a horse on the kitchen tile. 

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