Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Flu Shots

We had a 2:40 flu shots appointment for all of us today. Our second year in a row getting them (2020) - way to go me for making it happen. I called the elementary school at 1:45 and they had Soph, Natalie, and Owen in the office by the time I got there to check them out. Then we went to get Abi and Lily at school, they had street passes for 2:10. They were ready. Then back to Cottonwood Heights to pick up Wes at 2:25. He was walking to get on the bus, but luckily we were there and saw him and called him over cause he had forgotten, despite my text messages today reminding him. "Oh yeah!" It's a good thing we were there or else we would have had to go home to pick him up at the bus stop and would have been late. I told Corey to meet us at the hospital at 2:38. He was there. "A family that gets flu shots together stays healthy together."
We were able to get a mist flu shot, which is effective for 12 months, so that's cool and also Abi was glad that she didn't have to get poked in the arm and risk fainting. Daniel went first, Sophi Second, they did great, and then Natalie was freaking out and couldn't handle the suspense. 
Lucky for her, after 4 false attempts she held still and didn't have to get shot in the arm.

Peter was super cute. He got a little self conscious after everyone was looking at him and laughing cause they thought he looked so sweet and didn't know what was coming. He did a little sad frown, but I held him still and then he was done.

 Corey and Wes giving him a swing on the way out. 

And with that we're done. That was super lucky that they all were able to get mist shots, which the nurse said are effective for 12 months rather than 6, AND there were no needles, sore arms or bandaids, sweet. A family that gets flu shots together, will hopefully not get sick this winter together. 

A few pictures from yesterday - Natalie and Daniel playing with puzzles while Sophi is in her violin lesson.

Dinner last night. We've been having sit down meals semi-regularly, good job us. Peter showing us good table manners by climbing on the back of the seat and up the window.

Peter, that is actually NOT good manners. What do you have to say for yourself?!? 

"Ummm.. how about 'I'm cute so I can get away with it'?" Yeah, that works. Owen and Daniel reading books after dinner. 

It's Owen's school book, but I'm glad he let Daniel look on. Usually he doesn't like to let Daniel try and read with him. We have a lot of sibling rivalry that goes along here, and it's all right down the pecking order. We're glad when they decide to be nice and share. 

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