Friday, October 1, 2021

General Conference Tomorrow

Tomorrow is General Conference. We are excited to be given direction from the Lord's living prophet. It is always a time of spiritual feasting. You can watch it online at the Church's website, or on the Church's youtube channel. Hyrum told us to come to Conference tomorrow with some questions that we want answered. Mine mostly are centering around the how-to's of being a homemaker and managing our family with all of our activities. It might seem like I should have figured this out by now, but alas, I have not, and I really want to do better. Speaking of our missionary Hyrum, here's a cute  picture that he sent from the MTC that made me laugh - he told us he hears from everyone that he is a younger version of Mr. Fredricksen (from the movie UP) What do you think? Pretty funny.

He just needs a bowtie and then the look will be complete. So it looks like Joseph and Hyrum both have Pixar dopplegangers!

I wonder if we can find animated look-alikes for the rest of us!

Corey was down at BYU today for a meeting and, since he was in the area, he took Joseph out to eat, so that was nice. He's a very good father. They went out to eat at "The Dirty Bird". Sounds interesting. Sophi had a soccer game tonight here in Sandy. I volunteered to do the snacks, so I went by Costco today for the treats. She has one tomorrow in Park City, too. It will be at noon tomorrow, so that should work out ok, since I can listen to General Conference in the car on the drive up. It will be nice to see the leaves on the drive. It would be nice to try and go on a bike ride while I'm up there, but she likes me to watch the game, so I'll probably stay and watch her game. We went by Antica Sicilia tonight for date night. It was pricey and not a lot of food, so it was good that I wasn't very hungry. It was our second time there, but this time I was un-impressed enough that I don't think we'll go there again. 

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