Saturday, October 2, 2021

Fall Family Bike Ride

General Conference today was great. I didn't take notes, but I did listen to all of it, and after this first listen through, the talks I liked the most were Elder Holland's, Elder Oaks, and Elder Christofferson. This evening, after the afternoon session of General Conference ended, and before the evening session started, we thought we'd go on a family bike ride. 

We optimistically thought we could maybe be back in time for the 6:00 session. But when we were barely starting the trail at 5, I was pretty sure that getting back by 6 wasn't going to happen. It's a very nice thing that all the sessions are so easily accessible in so many ways, so we did catch it live in the car on our way home, and then once we got home, we listened to what we had missed. We parked at Peakview and rode over to Canyon Hollow.

Most of the kids rode ahead of me. I caught up enough to see them and make sure they stopped at the entrance of the trail, and then we waited for Daniel to come. Corey and Peter were with him, and Daniel was once again out of his comfort zone as he went down the hill.

He's learned how to use his brakes pretty well, but he still didn't like it very much. Wes lead the kids down Canyon Hollow, and Corey and Peter were the tail. Daniel and I waited cause it looked scary, but he eventually decided to give it a try. And he did great! It is a really nice and easy trail for most all of the ride down, so we kept going and kept going. 

I said "It's just like skiing in the trees, huh!" "Yeah!" 

He was having fun. He crashed once, when I let him use my biking gloves cause his hands were starting to get itchy, but then wearing the gloves made him forget to use the brakes for some reason and he was zipping around some corners way too fast and then crashed into the bushes. He cried as he took them off - "I don't want to wear gloves..." and he gave them back. He did great the rest of the time. We walked on one part where the sand is really gravelly and the side of the trail is a steep hill down. The rest of the time he was smiling and singing to himself or calling "wee!" He kept telling me "I guess I am a mountain biker!" 

Yep you sure are! If we can get these kid to love biking early, I should be able to have lots of good biking partners when I'm in my 50s and 60s! We met up with Corey and the kids close to the Coyote Trail head. 

They had thought the end of the Canyon Hollow trail was a footpath only trail, so they took Rush down, and Owen crashed. He had been having fun up until that point. I'm sure that was hard and stressful for Corey to be on that busy rush path with all the kids. I told him next time to just stay on Canyon Hollow. It is a bike path. And even if it was a "foot path only" it would be better to deal with one or two hikers who said tsk tsk for breaking the rules rather than a dozen+ bikers trying to speed past a rush downhill only trail! Rooky mistake. Anyway, I said I'd go back and get the car and that I'd hurry as fast as I could, and that I thought it would take me atleast 30 minutes. That left Corey confused. He said they'd meet me at the cycle park. I went up Canyon Hollow and Ghost Falls (cause I didn't want to do Clarks) and it was a really good workout cause I was going up as fast as I could cause I had to get back asap for Corey's sanity. I was able to listen to Conference on my ride, and it took me 40 minutes. I got the car, texted Corey that I was on my way, and picked them up at the Cycle park. As we were loading up the bikes, Corey told me that he was confused when I said I would bike up to Peakview for the car... he didn't think Daniel would do the trail, so he assumed that D and I had biked back to the car and driven down, and that we parked at Coyote Hollow and had gotten on our bikes and that that was when we met up with them. Nope! Daniel did it! He rode down the whole trail! Not bad for a beginner biker!

Real quick about Sophi's game this morning in Park City - 

She had fun and she played goalie for the second half of the game!

They lost 0-9 but she really did very well and did great drop-kicks and I think with a little instruction she will be a really good goalkeeper! Like she didn't flinch at all when they kicked the ball at her, she just grabbed it. Ok, that's all for tonight. More General Conference tomorrow!

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