Friday, October 8, 2021

Hockey Game

Wes played in his first hockey game tonight! He had asked/begged his coach if he could please dress for this game cause it was against his old school, and Wes figured it'd be ok cause Skyline wasn't that good. He is number 73.
Corey got that good close up picture cause he volunteered to be in the box (the penalty box). He got a close seat to the game and just had to watch the clock when kids were in there, and to open and close the door for them. 
As for Skyline not being "good", they held their own pretty well. They only had 7 players and must have been exhausted, whereas Brighton had 17 and were subbing all the time. The final score was a tie 2-2. 
Wes didn't get a lot of time on the ice, but it was good for his first game. He really loves practices and has been getting up on his own at 4:20 with a spring in his step on Monday mornings for practice. 

The game was at 9:15 at night. Wes was texting a bit too much, trying to make sure we'd be home by 8:15 so that he could get there early. They don't open the locker room for them until 30 minutes before the game, so we weren't as anxious as he was. 

We went out to eat at Pago in Sugarhouse, which was very good but very pricey. Corey's fish and sauteeyd potatoes was delicious, but left him with a bit of sticker shock (that's what happens when ya order the special without asking what the price is!) But it really was very good. My beet salad was a bit lacking in greens, much like my "salad" at the Charleston, but I wasn't resentful this time for some reason. I vowed never to go to the Charleston, but I'd go to Pago again. After we got home, Corey took Wes straight to the game (Wes had walked down the street with his gear so he could jump in and go, but Corey had to take me home, so it didn't save Wes any time.) When I got inside, all the kids were upstairs watching a movie in our room, and Peter was being adorable and babysitting himself in the kitchen as he worked in a coloring book (he made circles around the different pictures.)

I love how he held his marker! 

He is so so so adorable!

His voice is like a perfect little Boo voice, I love it so much. We also went the aquarium today. We played in "Tuki's Island" room the whole time. 

They played very well as I studied a talk by President Nelson from this past General Conference that I'm giving a lesson on on Sunday. Peter playing on the projected video game. 

They are cute kids. It was a good day. Life is good. 

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