Saturday, October 9, 2021

Suzuki Celebration

Today was all about The Suzuki Association of Utah's Celebration Concert. Sophi and Natalie performed with The Suzuki Association of Utah in a performance called "Many Hands, One Heart - A Passport to a Better World" with Special Guest Artist Rob Landes.
Last night we figured out logistics. The violin thing was going to probably go from 12 - 4, and we had tickets at Hale Center Theater at 4 to see the Secret Garden. How to do both.... so we called my little sister Beka and she was able to go with kids to that, so Abi, Lily, Owen, and Daniel went with her and she came to pick them up at 3:30. Corey stayed home with Wes and Peter. I left at 11:30 with Sophi and Natalie. We took 3 neighbors kids who were performing down with us too. The performers all had to be there between 12-12:30, so I took them down and dropped them off, then I spent an hour in the car in City Creek parking studying and preparing for a lesson I'm teaching tomorrow on President Nelson's General Conference talk last Sunday "The Temple and Your Spiritual Foundation". Sophi had a soccer game at 2 that she was not going to be able to go to, but we found out the game got cancelled because of rain anyway, so that's lucky for her she didn't miss out on that. At 1:30 guest were allowed to enter, but we didn't actually get to go in until 1:50 and the program started a little bit late. I'm guessing they were still rehearsing. I spot Natalie - she is smiling at me! We were able to find each other and wave.
Sophi was a little bit to the right of Natalie. They were lucky to be able to sit on nice comphy chairs. They were also able to get out pretty quickly when the performance was over since they were in the audience sitting.
Grandma Wride is so nice and always brings the kids a little treat bag and a little cash gift after they have a performance. 
Their cousin Seth was performing too. Students of books 1&2 wore blue shirts, Books 3&4 were yellow, 5 & 6 were in green, so Seth is in  one of those levels, and I'm impressed... I've peeked into those music books and it looks so hard! Red shirts were on books 7 and up. A picture of all the Wride violinists! 
(Well, all the grandkid violinists, since I am not in the picture, cause I am a violinist too!) Group picture -
So that's the story of Sophi and Natalie and their very first performance at Abravanel Hall! 
We'll see if they get to come back and perform again someday. :)
We went out to eat at Blue Lemon downtown after the performance. The kids ask me ALL THE TIME to get some fast food. After soccer practice, Sophi will politely let me know: "I worked really hard! Can I get a frosty?" And I'll say "No." and she says "Ok." I'm thinking "No, I don't reward with food" and Sophi doesn't nag. Natalie is a bit more persistent. So it's sad that I'm no fun, but that's how it is. It seems like Corey is always taking kids out to Shake Shak for burgers, or Wendy's or to get Hawaiian Ice snowcones, but that's cause he's the fun one. I don't do that. Well, I do it now and then but usually just for toddlers. I avoid it as much as I possibly can. But today was a special event and the culmination of many weeks of hard work, so I'll do it for a special occasion like this. And because I wanted a Mediterranean salad with shrimp. I hadn't eaten anything except a few clementines and I was hungry, so win win. Good job girls. ALOD enjoyed Hale Center theater with Aunt Beka and we really appreciated her helping them have that experience. Corey got a bit of consulting work done at home, so it was a good and busy day. 

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