Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Play With Me?

We're happy to be back home with our kids. I'm especially happy to get to see this little face again all day~

At Corey's parents house, Peter was loved playing with this little three race track car toy - a picture Wesley sent me on Saturday night - 

And when we were back at home, I remembered that we had a Fisher Price car track thingy. I looked downstairs and brought it up for him to play with. The Fisher Price toys have still been out at the top of the stairs and Peter had lots of cars and characters to ride down it. He also liked pushing down his Disney Cars characters. 

It's so cute - he'll be playing with the toys, and when we walk by, he'll sweetly ask if we want to join him. When Corey walked by this morning before work, Peter said "Dad you wanna play cars with me?" And he sat with him and play cars for a little bit. If I sneak away, he'll catch me when I walk by again "Mom you wanna play me?" (Sometimes he gets the "with" in there, sometimes he doesn't, either way it's adorable). My favorite character is Bo Peep, and think I'm giving her a southern belle accent, but maybe it's an accent of my own creation. It's fun. The track isn't great, and the cars can't make it around the loop and through exit unless they get an extra push, EXCEPT for Snot-rod! He is the only one that can do it, although just barely, I think his heavier weight in the back lets him make it, so that was exciting for us as we played cars. Yesterday was a lazy rest day for me. Abi and Lily lucked out too cause it was the end of the term, so they didn't have school. Corey got to go to work, so that is not fair for him (but thanks honey!) Today I've been catching up on stuff. We got a little bit of snow this morning during our carpool drives. Nothing that made the roads too bad, but it did make the mountains beautiful! I was catching up on laundry today and this was a gorgeous view from our laundry room window - 

It's Red Ribbon/Say No To Drugs week at the elementary school. Yesterday they did an activity in class, and today was crazy hair day. Corey took Lily to jazz band so I could stay and help the Sophi and Natalie ready. I usually get photos of their crazy hair, but I didn't today cause after I got them ready, I had to take the jr. high carpool. S&N were gone at orchestra when I got back. I didn't remember to tell Corey to get pictures, so I'll just have to describe it. Last night, they remembered it was crazy hair day, so Natalie had me put tight curlers on the top of her head, so the top of her hair was crazy curly (like Lily's when she was Amelia Earhart) and the rest of her hair was down. She put a bow in it too and it looked pretty silly. Sophi had me dampen her hair last night and put a French braid in half of it, so today she went with half a head of wavy curls and the other half of her head was a high side ponytail. Owen wore a hat. Tomorrow is crazy sock day, then on Friday they get to go to school dressed in their Halloween costumes and there's a parade at 9.

Tonight after dinner, Corey shared a few Dry Bar comedians with us. I did the dishes while this guy Brad Upton was on, pretty funny. We liked him and other comedians there were good too. Brian Regan's brother Dennis is one of our favorites. "Well I don't know! And now I'd like to learn it!" Funny stuff. It's good to be home. 

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