Monday, October 11, 2021

Primary Program and Monday

Yesterday was the Primary Program in our ward. Our family thinks, and most of the other adults we saw told us, that Daniel stole the show. It wasn't from speaking his part, but he was the center of everyone's attention because of how cute he was as he did all the actions on the songs. And he was the only one doing it at first (except for the primary chorister leading them all) until later on in the program, then some other 5 and 6 year olds started doing actions too. My favorite was on the song "Hear Him" when they sang "This is my beloved son" and Daniel held his head high and motioned with a noble swoop of his arm to an imaginary person at his side, it was super cute. 

The Primary President asked Sophia to read this part to open up the program. "This year we have learned about the Prophet Joseph Smith and the restoration of the Gospel. Because of Joseph’s desire to know the truth and his willingness to go to Heavenly Father for his answers, we have the knowledge that comes from Joseph’s vision of Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father, we have the Book of Mormon, and we have the Doctrine and Covenants and Articles of Faith– all results of Joseph’s humble pleas for understanding and knowledge. We have also learned about our ancestors and their faith, love and sacrifice for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We would like to share with you some of their stories and the truths that we have learned this year about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and His Restored Gospel." And then the kids all sang songs and shared their testimonies during the meeting. The primary children were all supposed to help write their parts, but I didn't see the email about it until a few days past when it was supposed to be sent back in, and then all my kids were all at school, so then I just wrote it up myself, trying to imagine how they would say it. This is what I came up with: 

Daniel (CTR 4) - I can be a light to the world when I smile and am friendly.

Owen (CTR 5) - I know Heavenly Father loves me because I have fun with my daddy.

Natalie (CTR 7) - I loved when I was baptized because I knew that I was clean. I feel clean again each time I take the sacrament. It is a very special blessing to be baptized and to take the sacrament. I know Jesus loves me.

Sophi (Valiant 9&10) - Sometimes bad things happen when we make a wrong decision. Sometimes bad things happen when another person makes a wrong choice. Sometimes bad things happen just because life is hard. When bad things happen, we can forgive others and ask God for forgiveness. Doctrine and Covenants 64:10 says "I the Lord will forgive whom I will forgive but of you it is required to forgive all men." When we forgive and are forgiven, it helps us heal and become clean and feel God's great love.

So that was fun. After the primary program in sacrament meeting, we went to Relief Society and I taught the lesson on President Nelson's talk - The Temple And Your Spiritual Foundation, with a little bit from his opening and closing remarks

At home yesterday, Corey wanted the kids to watch Rudy and talk to them about their goals and owning their life. It was good. After that I wanted us to watch a little bit of the National Geographic documentary 9/11: One Day In America. I have been wanting to watch this since a friend recommended it. Also I thought it would be good preparation for when we go to new York (10 more days, and we = Corey, me, Abi and Lily). So Yesterday we watched episode 1 together, then I watched episode 2 by myself and started 3 but then I said I should be good and go to bed, since I had to take Wes to hockey at 4:45 am, so I went to bed, took him to hockey, and then binged the rest of it today. I finished episode 3, and also watched 4, 5, and 6. Sobering stuff. I'm looking forward to going to the 9/11 Museum and Memorial. 

Even though I stayed up late, I made it to the gym today when I took Wes. While he was getting on his hockey gear, I did some doing lower body exercise. Yay, go me. and then I watched him for a bit while I walked on the treadmill that is in the arena. 
I would have stayed and waited until he was done, but I had to get home to wake up Abi, who says her alarm clock doesn't wake her up, and then to take Lily. Lily is amazing in the mornings. She's got a system down where she gets everything ready the night before, so worst case scenario (she wants to sleep in until the last possible minute) she proudly tells us "I can get ready in 6 minutes!" She gets up on her own, good job Lil. And Wes gets up on his own too, which is super impressive, esp for a 5 am hockey practice. (Practice isn't actually until 5:30, but it opens at 5, so once you're ready you can get on the ice, and Wes wants as much ice time as possible, so he likes to be there at 5.) It was a normal Monday with school, violin, and soccer was cancelled because of fall break.

We're about ready for bed, other than Corey and the kids are downstairs holding a Kid's Court case - He was the defendant, Abi was the prosecution, protesting a $10 fine Corey imposed upon her for him having to go pick her up at school. He said she can have it back by getting an A grade in her lesson tomorrow. 
Sophi and Wes were the judges in the case. Sophi pacing the floor and weighing the evidence.
Kids were running though the room. Wes called for "Order in the Court!" haha
Just the usual sundown run around but with Natalie upping the intensity and noise
Ok, time to go get these kids to bed.

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