Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Abi Studied!

Abi came home today super excited and happy. "Guess WHAT!" "What?" "I got a 3.8 on my math test!!!!" "That's great!! How does it feel to study and do well?" "It is amazing!" 

In the past, Abi has been a bit of a reluctant student, especially when it comes to math... (see second half of this post). This might be the first time that she really studied and asked for help and tried, and tried again, and guess what that means when you keep at it? You increase your chance of doing great! And Abi did do great this time, way to go. Other times, she just thinks "I don't get it..." and doesn't ask for help and gives up on herself, but she's been working hard the past week and luckily it's pretty simple variable stuff that I understand, so I've been able to help her. We did this one homework question over and over and I didn't want to move on until it clicked. I have it memorized now "You have a rectangle. The perimeter is 95 feet. The length is 4x and 15 feet longer than the width. Find the length and the width" and we'd go step by step and I thought it was clear but most of the time her eyes had this glazed over "I'm lost" look ( see this Bored Shorts Math Snippet at :43, so funny), but we persevered and on day 3 she finally got it. There was a question like it on the test, and she got it right! So yay, good job sweetie! Way to not give up. 

Sometimes I think our kids don't know how to work or study. I hardly ever see them doing homework. Maybe having it so much online is what makes it feel so much different than when I was in junior high. I don't see them with worksheets to do and turn in. Corey and I can't sit with all of them at their computers everyday, so there's a lot of reminding to go and do it and then trusting that they are doing their homework, but their grades aren't great. We've been telling Abi that she has to figure this out before 9th grade when her GPA starts mattering for college applications. I think we made a small step in the right direction today. I'm glad she felt the joy of a job well done.

Peter was doing his own homework today, working on his fine motor skills. He's been wearing this Spider-Man jacket that is too big for him, but he loves it, and then to play the character correctly, he was trying intently to figure out how to shoot his spiderman web. He can do the gun shape with his pointer finger and thumb,  but then has to pick up his pinky to make it straighten out and hold it up. 

Hold it... you got it! 

That's it buddy! He's mastered a new toddler skill. Peter had mini apple pizzas for dinner - a recent creation of mine. "You want apple pizza?" It's one of his new go-to meals.
Then I left with SNOD and they got their 2nd covid shots. Peter stayed home with Wes, and after we were done at Walgreens, I told the kids they could all get one treat. Owen got two since his were small, and that worked out great, cause after we got home, Peter was asking where his treat was, and I didn't have one for him - a lapse in clear thinking on my part. Owen was so nice and shared his sucker with Peter (after he had started to eat it, but Peter didn't care). Thanks Owen, that is so nice of you!

 Then he went upstairs and bugged Wes while Wes tried to do his homework. 

Still working on that big blue sucker. Peter has liked getting on Wesley's bed lately. Wes has been taking the hit for me recently when Peter wakes up in the night - P has climbed up on Wesley's bed rather than coming into our room. It's nice for me to get a few full nights of sleep. 

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