Sunday, November 28, 2021

Day of Rest

Corey has taught the little boys a new game: crocodile. It's where they jump back and forth from a couch or something and the adult gets on the floor and tries to catch them. It's a good game since the adult gets to lay down and mostly rest with the added bonus that the kids are trying to stay away from them. Corey playing with Peter yesterday morning.

It's been a busy holiday weekend. It was nice to have a break from school though. Now we get to push through a few weeks until Christmas break. Having a break from school has interrupted the good bedtime schedule we were on. We were up late last night after the Curtis gathering. We gathered for scriptures and Peter snuggled up and slept on my lap.


Then Corey stayed up late helping Abi get ready for a sacrament talk that she gave today. She wrote most of it on her own, she just needed some ideas. She did a good job. And Wes gave the lesson in the Young Men's class too. Joseph and Amber came up and joined us at church. That was nice. Amber sat by me in the Relief Society lesson which was on Elder Soares' talk - the Savior's Abiding Compassion. Joseph and Amber are already talking marriage, so I did ask a friend Jill her thoughts cause they haven't known each other for long. We're still trying to get to know her but J says she's great. We didn't talk that much in class but she did go up and thank the teacher, which I thought was very classy. Corey prepared a Thanksgiving-ish lunch fast after we got home - turkey and potatoes, and my left over sweet potato dish, a salad, and rolls. We were stuffed after that, so the desserts turned into dinner: pumpkin pie and choc pudding pie. Joseph wanted to share the movie "Gifted Hands" with us, about Ben Carson, and it really good! J and Amber left around 7:30. It was a good Sunday. We didn't play games like we did when Joseph was dating Emily, which is fine - no need to compare girlfriends, but that would have been fun to do something to get to know her better. I guess there is time though. Instead I took a nap and they both read books in the side room. Corey cleaned up by himself (sorry I didn't help sweetie) and I shall reveal reasons for my laziness next month. As for now, it's time to get back to our early to bed early to rise schedule, that has been thrown off this past week. Wes has hockey early tomorrow morning (arrive at 5am), so we're heading to bed. 3 weeks until Winter break, go team.

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