Thursday, November 11, 2021

Cowboy & YW Activity

Peter was being a cowboy tonight. Wes was his horse. 
Wes is a good horse. Peter kept saying "See?" as if he was teaching us about how to be a cowboy and we didn't believe him, so he was trying to prove it. 
I got a video of it, but Wes didn't want me to upload it, cause he felt shame for how he "neighed". He doesn't mind doing it for Peter, but doesn't want his friends to see or anything. I made a Youtube "short" of it but I can't get it to embed it. So you'll just have to go see if you can find it in the "shorts" videos on my channel. Actually, maybe I'll upload it and make it private and we'll see who gets to my channel from the blog. Ok, just did that, here it is. Peter is a cutie, and he's lucky to have such good older siblings that will do anything for him. Thanks Wes, you were a good horse, now go get back at your homework! 

Also, youtube channel update, I have 490 subscribers now, so again, that's a bit strange. And my video of Owen and Daniel being cute is up to 65K views now, so that is weird too.

I haven't been doing much lately. I'm kinda sleeping a lot. Go ahead and guess why and send me a text. Mon - Wed I get up in the morning for carpool and stuff, then yesterday I rested until noon. I accidentally left the locked pantry open, and so when Daniel got up, he went and fed himself "breakfast" (aka halloween candy). I'm hanging in there though. Two more pictures of Abi at a Young Women's activity last night. They were going to go bowling, but didn't call and reserve, and when they showed up it was all full. So instead they did some scavenger hunt at Macey's and bought ice cream.
Lily was there too, but Abi said she was hiding and kinda in a shy mood, so she's not in the pictures of the young ladies.
Abi in the car. Glad it looks like they still had fun. 

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