Friday, November 12, 2021

CS Lewis Movie

For date night tonight, I bought tickets for us to go to a movie - The Most Reluctant Convert - The Untold Story of C.S. Lewis. We got some takeout from Blue Lemon on the way, ate it in the car, and then went in for the 7:50 show at the theaters on 33rd south and State. It was really good and I liked it a lot!

A lot of what he says is super deep, kinda like Neal A. Maxwell, and so I probably need to see it again, but I was mostly able to keep up since I have read his books quite a bit. Although at the beginning, he was sharing thoughts about fear and pain and the capacity of humans to create even more pain for themselves in their imagination, and those were thoughts that I don't remember reading... I was looking online and I bet it is from his book "The Problem of Pain" which I don't have, which I am now going to get. It reminded me of what I've been learning in Craig Manning's book "The Fearless Mind". I really want to learn about the way my mind works. I've become a lot more aware, but I know there is a lot more to learn and apply. I laughed at the part where his father was interrogating him and his brother like a prosecutor for leaving the bathroom dirty, that was pretty funny. Sometimes Corey and I are like that, (as I'm sure most parents are as we learn how to be better) making big deals out of things that are not a big deal. Anyway, I highly recommend it for adults, I don't think my teens or young kids would have known what was going on for most of it. It looks like it's only in theaters for a short time, so get tickets and go see it! 

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