Saturday, November 27, 2021

Curtis Gathering

Tonight we had our first holiday family party. It was a little early in the holiday season, but it was the best day for everyone, so we all put in on our calendars. We went down to Benjamin Utah to have dinner with Corey's cousins at Sharon's old house, which as been remodeled and updated. Corey used to come down here every Thanksgiving when he was a kid. All the cousins had not seen each other for a few years. There are 4 kids from Sharon, who is JeNeal's sister, and then JeNeal's three children, then all the in-laws and grandkids too. It was just the two Curtis sisters, and Sharon passed away in 2003. It was a gathering that was long over due. We had a nice taco bar dinner at Karalee's house at 5pm. 

If we had gotten there earlier, the kids could have had some atv rides, but they did get there in time to go pet the cows and see some other farm animals. Corey had just come from late lunch with Ryan Rehart, so he didn't eat much. 

Karalee is a school teacher and had some fun cute activities for us to do, like making sleighs and then putting them to the test via a pinewood derby style race down the folding table. 
Sophi and Natalie racing their sleighs. 
Everyone's sleigh kits were two metal paper clips, two Andes mints, a Cinnamon Santa, a hershey's kiss, and as much tape as you wanted. Joseph ready to race.
Wesley used the shape of his ice hockey skates as his inspiration as he made his paperclips slightly curved. Sophi relied on the things she has learned from Mark Rober's Pinewood derby winner instruction video. She and Wes went head to head and Wesley kept wanting another rematch.
And what do you know - Sophi was the grand prize winner! She was so excited, it was really cute. She thanked Mark Rober for her win and we were all laughing. 
Then there was a white elephant gift exchange game that was fun as we passed and switched around gifts over and over again. Peter didn't know what was going on but he kept holding the presents and then handing them over. 
When the game was called, Abi had the coveted "biggest" gift - an Office Christmas sweater with a twinkling hat, and a jar of peanut butter - under $10!
I got the best gift possible for Peter and was very happy to pass it to him - a Mr. Potato Head toy.
And then Wes exchanged his Sleigh derby prize for the Mrs. Potato Head, and Peter played with those for the next 30+ minutes while adults visited and we listened to a few music numbers. After we put away the chairs, the kids did a leg wrestle. Jordyn, who is a ballet dancer, easily beat Abi. Grandpa wanted to play too.
I think he lost, but that was nice of him to give us a laugh and we were impressed with his bravery!

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