Sunday, November 7, 2021

Dinner Guests

Tonight we had a nice sit down dinner and we were delighted to have two charming guests join us - Joseph and Amber!
The little kids are often on the attack when someone new comes around, so we tried to keep them a little distanced during the meal, in the hopes that they'd stay somewhat calm for the rest of the evening. Daniel, Peter, and Owen at their own little table.
I made some roasted potatoes and chicken in a crock pot that didn't turn out quite like I hoped... I'm still hoping to somehow re-create the Chicken from the Delta American Express Sky Lounge in the JFK Airport. I'll have to try again. We also had salad, rolls, and I made a bit pot of chili and that was good. After dinner, we visited in the front room. They looked a little bit through some of the blog books.
Joseph called and told me recently that he got on there and really liked reading the blog and I told him "Good, that's why I do it." I know they'll appreciate it even more as they grow older. I'd love to have a weekly record of lots of my childhood memories available online, wow! Yeah, future family history researchers are gonna love me. Abi's patriarchal blessing was delivered today, and she and Wesley compared their futured lives, based upon their faithfulness of course.
Amber had never heard Joseph play the saxophone. He has hardly picked it up since he came home from his mission, but he got it out and tried to warm up his chops and played a few numbers for us. 
Natalie and the boys were running laps around the kitchen/front room track, and Corey's legs were out on the ottoman, and once instead of going around the ottoman and sofas, she decided to go over his legs, and in a knee-jerk response he lifted up his leg and caught her mid-air and she continued forward and did a belly flop on the floor. It was really funny. 
She was a bit shocked but wasn't hurt, and we were all laughing, it was really funny. Would have been a good one to get on video, but sometimes those moments just don't get captured.
Corey getting Joseph a backing track. 
The little kids did a pretty good job restraining themselves so that Amber could listen. 
Here's a video of one of the songs he played.
It was nice to meet her. She and Joseph have been steady dating for a month (as of November 4th) and they make a pretty cute couple. As Abi said "They ARE cute!! I ship it..." We're excited for them to see where their relationship leads. :)

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