Monday, November 8, 2021

Sweet Children

As I've been brushing Daniel's teeth lately, I've had a feeling that there are some cavities between his teeth, so I just took a gamble and set up an appointment for him to get some cavities fixed. And I figured if an x-ray showed that he was all good, then great and we'd just get a cleaning. Daniel and Peter were being super cute and sweet in the waiting room. 

Peter was cuddling, and Daniel said "Aww! Mom! Look at Peter! He is so cute!" 

My sweet little boys.

Here's another picture of him being sweet as he played with the fishing puzzle as we waited at violin lessons.
And a little video of his cuteness.

I love my little boys. My heart is a little tender cause Corey recently shared this CNN clip with us of young girls in Afghanistan being sold by their starving families, and it's kept me awake a few times thinking and praying for those little girls. That's like Natalie and Sophi... I could not and would not ever do that. I'd rather we all starve together. 

Another thing regarding my little boys - I've been looking at my youtube channel and currently my most popular video is Little Brothers - Tickle at 45808 views. I'm recording these stats for myself... next few are Flapping His Arms has 20567, Wrestling and Raspberries has 11251, and Nat and Owen has 5414 views. From the bad comments I get, it does seem like there are a lot of awful people out there who want to sexualize little children. I hope anyone involved in that changes the course they are on, cause it doesn't lead to anywhere good. I pray for the children caught in human trafficking and for those who are fighting against it (God bless Tim Ballard and OUR) and I hope someday that we can donate more to helping charities like that. If you want to watch something that will absolutely break you heart, you can watch this documentary "Preying on Young Boys: Pakistan's Hidden Predators. So, kinda along those lines, I'll share that on my youtube channel, I currently have 343 Subscribers. That is super weird, cause a month ago I had around 100, and it had been about there for a long time. I keep getting emails telling me "you have a new subscriber!" 

I have no idea where they are coming from or what they might see in the collection of family videos I have on there, so it is making me a bit curious and cautious and wondering if I should be concerned. Perhaps a link to my channel is in some weird or dark part of the web? Some of my new subscribers are Бауржан Шеттикбаев (translation from Kazakh to English: Baurzhan Shettikbaev) and حمزه الاحلسي (Arabic for Hamza Al-Ahly) and then today I got this one... and after reading his "name" I am wondering again what's going on and where this small flux of people is coming from. I got 2 new subscribers in Sept, and then nothing in October until Oct 30th and then I've gotten two hundred since then. I don't know what I could do to stop it other than delete my account. No one has said anything mean yet, although I do get horrible comments sometimes that I just delete. But mostly I don't get any comments, on there or here on the blog. And that is ok by me. I'm just doing this for my kids anyway, and putting it out there public because of a quote from the book "The Chosen" (the book, not the tv series) that spoke to me once, which made me feel like this was a little way to let my light so shine out there on the world wide web. From chapter 7 of Chaim Potok's book - "If a person has a contribution to make, he must make it in public. If learning is not made in public, it is a waste." Being a mother is what I am learning about and know a little bit about, so write what you know about. I trust that this will be a future resource that my kids will value when they are parents and maybe can give some support to other people too. That's what I'm doing. I hope it doesn't get any of us kidnapped along the way. And if people look at that video of my sweet boys and sexualize it somehow, they should repent. They are just sweet babies snuggling. Let children be children.

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