Friday, November 19, 2021

More Happy Meals

Today Corey had to go up to Logan for some work on his Narx project. That's a long drive, and I know that he's always crunched for time to get all his work done. I thought maybe it would help him if I drove him, cause that way he could work on the way. He took me up on my offer, so the boys and I got ready to head to the car around 11 and we picked him up at 11:30. I told the girls that they had to come home after school today (early out for them) and be in charge of their younger siblings. They were good sitters while we were gone. It was a long drive up, and Daniel kept wondering how much longer, but we finally arrived a little late for his 1:00 appointment. Then we set off to find a McDonald's playplace. We found one without a playplace, but decided to drive a little further for the one with one. The lobby was open, but he slide was temporarily closed. I ordered happy meals again. Happy Meals two days in a row, what has become of me? 
Peter was sad that he could see the slide but couldn't get on it. I'm sorry sweetie! But they did have this jumping game that atleast got their heart rates up, which was good for them after sitting for two hours. 
They had barely started to eat when Corey texted that he was almost ready to pack up. I helped the boys put their toys in the happy meal box, and we carried the food out in the mcnugget boxes. We passed a friendly man in the lobby who smiled and Daniel. We noticed he looked like a certain famous St. Nicolas... He gave Daniel a card showing that he was indeed the big man himself! Daniel was pretty excited that he saw Santa and we went back in for a picture.
When we were walking out, Peter was mad at me for taking his food or for not letting him hold it, and I was carrying some books too that I brought in case I had time to read... and as he threw a fit at me, he knocked the books and then his food spilled on the wet sidewalk and street. I decided to pick it all up and didn't put it in the garbage, but back in his container for a moment and then I'd decide how to get it from him once he was in the carseat, realizing that I was risking him eating the food that had just been on the dirty floor. Peter helped me pick it up and sad "I sorry mommy!" which was adorable. As I put him in his carseat, a girl came out who said she saw him spill his food and offered us her chicken nuggets. She had a box of 10 but I said 3 would be good, since that is all he had left, and he barely finished those yesterday. But I just wanted to say that was so nice, and I'm grateful that there are so many good and kind people in the world. Shout out to you if you are one of them!

We picked up Corey and then went by Costa Vida for Corey and I to get some food. We were both hungry and it was a very good salad. Then we headed on our long drive home. I was looking at all the hills between Brigham City and Logan and thinking that they looked like perfect biking hills! I hope there are trails around there that I can try out next spring. The drive was made longer because of traffic up near Ogden that added +52 minutes to the drive. When the traffic lanes were all at a complete standstill, that was when Daniel informed us he had to use the bathroom. It took a few minutes to get to an exit, and two gas stations (the first one had open pumps but the store was closed). He used the bathroom, I bought four La Michoacanna paletas that were DELICIOUS (except for the mango Chamoy... I know I could have looked at the package wrapping and have figured it out, but I didn't notice that Chamoy was a spicy pepper. Now I know. I ended up eating it, and it was weird, but doable since it was cold.) The coconut is my absolute favorite. I dropped Corey off at the office to finish work, and the boys and I arrived back home at 6. We counted the Costa Vida and the time in the car as our date tonight and are going to go to bed early. He's still getting work done, and we'll probably let the kids stay up and watch a movie, but yeah, that was our date today and that is ok.

One other thing from today. When Abi left for school this morning, she happened upon a poster on the front step. Wesley was asked to his first dance sometime last night (but since we go to bed so early, we must have all been in bed!) He's going to Winters at Skyline. That's fun that his friends there still remember him and love him despite him betraying the Eagle Nest. 

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