Saturday, November 20, 2021

Reading Scriptures

 Reading Scriptures tonight... Natalie with a towel on her head and trying to warm up in a blanket. Lily laying down behind her. Abi was documenting...

It's usually not idea when we read. aka kids are laughing and goofing off or fighting or reading some other book or drawing... I hope they are getting something out of it though. Atleast I trust they will have the take away, like Elder Bednar's children, that scriptures were important in our family and that we were consistent in reading them. On most night when we read scriptures and say a family prayer, we'll gather downstairs around the tv in the side room. We watch the Line Upon Line video each week, cause those are great for the kids to understand, and sometimes we'll watch a video or two that Corey wants to share, or the kids will ask to see a Daily Dose of Internet for fun, and then take turns reading a few paragraphs from the Come Follow Me lesson for the week from off of the screen. (This year we've been reading the Doctrine and Covenants). Sometimes, like tonight, Corey was working late, and I was trying to wind things up for the day, and so I corralled the kids upstairs to brush teeth, and then we grabbed the stack of Book of Mormon's in my room and we read from that. It's always good to read the Book of Mormon. We read a chapter and each took a turn reading a verse or two. I helped Owen read. 
Wesley helped Peter.
...and like most things Peter does, it was the cutest thing ever. My favorite part here was Peter saying "generation" - so adorable.
We wanted to hear Pete read one more verse (although I think Peter needs a drink of water...) Reading Moroni 10:32, he held on as long as he could. Not bad for a 2 year old. 
"I tired..." We're tired too. Let's go to bed. Goodnight.

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