Friday, November 5, 2021

Online Friday

Owen had a play at Capitol theater yesterday. The teachers asked for the kids to dress up nice, and Owen looked real sharp. Here he is drawing pictures as he headed to the car with dad, on their way to pick up the girls from orchestra before school. 

Peter being sweet and snuggly at dinner last, wishing he was still asleep on the couch for his late afternoon nap
Today was an online school day for the elementary kids and Wes. They are having an online Friday once a month for some reason, and I don't mind. Owen did a good job doing all his homework, and the other kids did too, but I wasn't by their side helping them, so I can't give details.

For Wes, this was especially helpful today because it is the end of the term, and it gave him time to turn in assignments. He got behind at the very beginning of the term when he started school 4 days late (after flight delays from Guatemala), and Wes doesn't do very well when he's playing catch up. Plus it was challenging for him to get into the swing of the way things are done at Brighton. Like in his history class, you can use your notes during the test, but they have to be done in Cornell Notes format, which Wes didn't do for the first two tests cause he thought it was stupid. So I learned about that at Parent teacher conferences, but then he only had 4 weeks left in the term. In another class he was 14 assignments behind, which drew to 22 missing assignments by this weekend, doh. Wesley has been turning things in. Some of the things he's done, he just hasn't turned things in, which is stupid that he doesn't turn them in if they're done! So I don't know how he copes with this stress or if he'll be able to save his current grades... he has As in ceramics and band, a D+ in US Hist, and Fs in jewelry and Physics at the moment. He has done the stuff for jewelry, and submitted the pictures today - these two rings he made are really impressive! He made this one for me - 
Isn't that amazing? Wow!
And this copper one. 
He finished these shortly after they were assigned, so again, I don't know why he didn't just email these pictures to his teacher weeks ago. 
He has a few reports to write up with those (explaining how to make them as if you were teaching it to someone who has never made jewelry before), but Jewelry should be mostly good with those submitted. He had a big History Final project that hasn't been graded yet. He did his report on the Miracle on Ice and he learned a lot about that, it was fun. There are really cool documentaries on it on youtube, plus the whole game is even there! He's hoping that grade will improve after that's scored, and he's been working hard turning in lots of Cornell notes for Physics. Tomorrow morning his uncle Matt is going to come by bright at early for a Saturday (8am) to help him with that (Physics). Fun fun, good luck Wes. So far the change to Brighton has been good, mostly because of the new found opportunity with and passion for hockey, but we're really hoping his grades get fixed too. He's still got 10th grade math to make up and get credits for so he can graduate, I'll try not to be nervous for him.

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