Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Drawings and Missionary Visit

I found these little papers today - some drawings that Owen did.

"I will go"
"We go in side. We go to the mountains"
"How to get the diamonds"
"This is a lot of work. I love the mountains." The end.
Are you impressed that I translated that all by myself? I love how he spelled mountains: "maootis" - so cute.

Owen is doing great at school. Most days I'm not going a great job doing "school" with D&P here at home, but today we colored for a while, sp that was good. 
Daniel still likes playing G-switch every chance that I allow it. The kids will all huddle around the computer after school and have a big 6 or 8 player game going on that they get pretty animated about. I get it, it's fun. But then we started to get to work practicing before dinner. I've been doing a good job making sit down dinners, I've even been putting in the calendar what I plan to make, and then updating it with what I do make, which sometimes changes. Tonight we had some teriyaki rice bowls and egg rolls. Then the kids finished up work and we started to read scriptures, when my alarm went off reminding me that we were meeting with the missionaries over zoom at 8:30.
3 Elders - Elder Roper (South Dakota), Elder Johnson (Phoenix AZ) and Elder Anderson (Gilbert AZ) Here's a pic of the kids following along in Alma 37:6 - "By small and simple things are great things brought to pass"
Abi knows the answer....
Peter following along! 
(He knows he's cute.)
It was a nice discussion and it ended with them inviting us to each prayerfully share a favorite scriptures or inspiring quote with someone. So we'll all get working on that and they are going to follow up in a week or so. We've been doing a really good job at getting to bed very early - almost always before 10. Well, Corey and I and Wes and the boys are in bed, Abi usually is up taking a shower and the other girls are up drawing or reading. But it's still a big improvement from how things used to be around here! So it's 9:30 and I'm heading to bed. 

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