Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Past Few Days

Not that much to report over the past few days. On Monday at violin I finally finished reading "The Fearless Mind" by Craig Manning. I mentioned this book twice last week - I shared it in a book review with some lady friends last week, and I spent my spare time during the next few days trying to finish it, and I was thinking about it during a few parts of the CS Lewis movie that Corey and I saw on our Friday date night - as the CS Lewis actor shared some of his thoughts on pain and suffering. Monday night Corey shared a few thoughts of how discouraged he is with work, how tired it makes him that he's worked so hard for so long and there is nothing to show for it. 

I started reading the introduction to him that night, and usually he will close his eyes if I read to him and I'll think he's not interested, but this one seemed to hold his attention and he liked it and it helped him. We are going to work together of being more positive and not listening to our fears and worries.  I liked from page xiv tonight - "the classical model of performance is potential (innate physical skills) plus training (physical advancements in speed and agility) equals performance. (PO + T = P) but he points out that you've got to MINUS INTERFENCE to equal high performance! (PO + T - I = HP) Interference is anxiety, stress, doubt, fear, etc. "Playing the game at the highest levels of our ability comes down to how well we have learned to control our minds, to rid ourselves of any and all interference, and to stay focused on what needs to be done." Such good stuff! We'll try to read a chapter in this each night. It will be good.

It is a very good book and goes along with a lot of things I've been learning as I've dabbled a bit with life coaches. I like the look of the 2nd edition! I highly recommend this book and also checking out Dr. Manning's TED talks and presentations on Youtube as well.

So that is good. Also, Monday morning, I got the biggest kick out of Owen - we were getting ready for school and last week he had wanted to take a lunch from home. I made him one, and then I think the next day he wanted one again and made it himself. This morning he handed me his lunch sack and said "I don't want to take a lunch today..." and I was wondering what was in it that had been left in his back pack over the weekend. I open the sack - and there is an onion and a lemon! 

Yeah, I wouldn't have been thrilled with that lunch either. Good call, Owen, on deciding to take the school lunch! So funny. I showed Corey and he took that picture to send to our missionaries, we thought they'd get a chuckle out of it too.

Speaking of our missionaries, they are all doing fine. In Melodie's mission in Brazil, her mission president gives missionaries permission to jump on a video call on antoher day of the week if they have siblings that are serving who have different p-days, so on Tuesday she joined in our call with Hyrum for a bit. So that was fun. 
We love our missionaries and are so proud of them. 

Here are a few photos and video from tonight - Daniel and Peter were being sweet and looking at their school books together. Peter has a Pre-K book where he practices drawing in between the lines.
Daniel was showing him how to do the mazes.
It was adorable. 

Peter followed Daniel's instructions and then had such a proud smile - "I did it!"
I love my little boys. 
(Oh, and something weird about my youtube channel, I have 694 subscribers as of tonight... yesterday I had 622 - and it keeps going up by about 70 a day... I have no idea why. My most popular video is "Little Brothers - Tickle" and that now has over 122K views. It had 106K yesterday, so I think that is posted somewhere where it's getting traffic for some reason and I think that's where any new subscribers are coming from. Very strange though.)

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