Corey left for San Jose today, so that he could attend the "Augmented World Expo" which will be today, tomorrow, and Thursday at the Santa Clara Convention Center. "Augmented World Expo (AWE) is the leading AR/VR event series in the world. AWE covers Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), Mixed Reality (MR) and all enabling emerging technologies (ex. Artificial Intelligence (AI), haptics, 5G). It's the epicenter of Spatial Computer, where the entire AR/VR industry gets together to catch up, benchmark and do business. From the hottest startups to Fortune 500 companies, AWE showcases the best AR/VR experiences in all aspects of life and work." He's hoping to see what is out there, and maybe get some leads and network a little with a new technology he is working on. He comes back Thursday afternoon.
Last night, as he and I were going over the schedule today, I let him know I had a Relief Society Book review activity, not that it would impact him since he'd be gone, and then he let me know that he had scheduled covid shots for our 5-12 year old kids at 7:40. The Book Review was at 7. So, I thought about rescheduling the appointments, but instead contacted my neighbor in charge of the review and asked if I could go first cause I had to leave early. It would have been nice to stay, but oh well. So I shared my books - I ended up choosing three which are all about the similar topic of mind work and getting our thinking right: Through His Eyes by President Hicklely's daughter Virginia, which was the first book that introduced this subject to me. Pretty simple and basic approach, and I realized years later that "Hey, that is basically life coaching!" Next book is Ann Voskamp's book "One Thousand Gifts" - a Christian perspective on how to be grateful for all that God and life gives us, the good and the bad. I think Ann writes so beautifully too. And then the current book I'm reading, A Fearless Mind, by Craig Manning. SUPER cool book, talking about mindset from an more academic point of view with lots of examples from his experience as a coach and Sports Psycologist. I'll blog about that book more when I finish it. I have a few more pages. Anyway, so yeah, took Sophi, Natalie, Owen, Daniel and Peter with me over to the church. They played with toys in the nursery. The activity started like 15 minutes late. After a few announcements and prayer, I quickly and excitedly shared my thoughts on examining our thinking and why those books are awesome approaches to learning about it, then we cleaned up the toys and left for Walgreens down the street.
Appointment was for 7:40. We were there on time, but it took them a while to enter my four kids, then it took me a while to fill out paper work for my four kids. They danced for the security camera and were being a little crazy...
They all did great for their shots. Sophi went first and did great on her own.
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