Thursday, November 25, 2021

Thanksgiving Day

I came down from Park City early this morning with Wes. We were both up at 5:45 and getting things ready. I went to get the car from the far overflow parking garage with two car keys, then I came to get Wes - he met me in the lobby and took the van key back for Corey and grabbed Peter. I needed the van key to get his carseat. We left at 6:20 am, right on time! Wes got to the CHRC at 7am for the 5K turkey trot. The 5K was at 9, so he got paid to play Apples to Apples for 90 minutes, then they went out to their post "To point the way to take, that the signs were already showing..." You know, just for back up. He said it was cold and his toes were freezing and he's not going to sign up for that next year, even though he got paid overtime for working on a holiday. I picked Wes up around 10:30. The low winter sun was shining in Peter's face. Wes gave him a hat - we must protect Prince Peter from the sun!!

I got some sweet potato dish ready and a Mediterranean salad. Corey and kids on their way down at 2

Corey and J were talking about girls and dating (J is getting kinda serious with his girlfriend). Kids waited in the car and I sent my food out. Joseph played a little bit with Peter as he and Corey talked - but his kid skills are a little rusty and as he played with P in the air doing some swing dancing moves, he accidentally kinda dropped him on his head. 
It was not a total free fall drop, but enough to get a bonk and make him cry. 
Will Peter be able to trust Joseph again?
Ok, lets go. We headed out and arrived for dinner a little after 3 at our old chapel. It is the ward house where MEH were all blessed as babies. Jared and Amy had been working hard to prepare this feast for all of us!
A big banquet table all set up

Enjoying a meal -

Video of the feast - 
It was delicious. The turkey tasted AMAZING and was my favorite part of the meal.
Jared apparently marinated it for like 3 days or something. Wow.
It was delicious. Mel, Ethan, and Hyrum all coordinated when to call, so yay - we were able to talk to them, and they were able to talk to each other, yay!
After the meal, we played a few games of lightening (bball), some table games, and had a nerf gun war. We kept passing around the phone to anyone who wanted to say hi to our missionaries. Owen and Joseph playing Klask - Owen was sooo excited when he scored on Joseph, twice!
Then everyone played hockey and it was super fun. 
It got pretty competitive 

Abi was going head to head with Joseph and fell and got a hole in her ONLY pair of comgy sweat pants and she was sad.
The little girls were as patient as they could be for the game to finish, so that they could do a stage play for us. And the curtains got a lot of use opening and closing for each act, which were each about 2 mintues long.
We had no idea what it was about, but we gave an enthusiastic applause

So the party went a lot longer than planned, and then we cleaned up and we got to take some leftovers home, yay, and Corey headed straight back up to Park City, I went by home first to put back food. Peter fell asleep as soon as we were in the car. He slept through the transfer into the bedroom. Kids went swimming. P went to bed, and now I am going to go join him. It was a fun day, goodnight.

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